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Joy Juice

Want to wake up and know where Im going!

About Me

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Myspace Backgrounds Time to update. Olivia is getting so big I see more of me in her every day, I hope that is a good thing. My new job is making me stupid, what I thought I knew is not at all what I do now. I still love to read, cook ( alot of Indian food) and of course wine.I still love seeing local band's but dont go as often as I should. I pawned my drum's which still makes me sick to my stomach. I love to take bath's with Olivia and let her put me to bed She is my life,I feel lost at times but then she put's tape on my head and makes it all better. I have become addicted to mini gerkin's I dont know why? I have amazing friend's who understand me for what I am, I dont like egg's but continue to eat them I have no idea why, I wish I was a better person to alot of people, I wish I could go to Africa and give some poor old lady a massage, My Best friend Geoff just got back and confirmed my belief in that Im not a big fan of the states at times. I still wake up at least three times a night and think I forgot to do something or someone, I still think that I can save my dad, I still have a bad foot, but I can only blame myself, sometimes lifes event's slow you down, maybe I should just sit on the beach and get old and fat,I still cant understand why humor cant fix everthing, I still get excited when someone's life is in my hand's, I still drink alot of coffee,My family is still the coolest,I am still in Dingleberry Dynasty, but we are more of a family than a band. I count on them more then they know. Someday I will save the world I think or maybe the crazy lady who lives on my street and insist's on knocking on my door to pet my cat which is actually a dog, who know's.Aim name joyjliv

My Interests

Music, Cooking, hanging out with my friends, Cardiac medicine, playing my drums, Girls night out. The coolest is watching my child grow up and explore everything! I love water and being in it! I like rain and sleeping. I also love to travel. I have family in Europe and try to go as much as possible. I have the greatest friend's who alway's support me and my mishap's, so I try to hang out with them often.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can make me laugh and is original! Oh and the maker of Hidden Valley ranch dressing, so very yummy in tummy!


Coldplay, Pixies, Wilco, Modest Mouse, David Gray,The Pogues, Beth Orton, Old REM, JJ72, Tracy Chapman, Jeff Buckley,Fugazi,Radiohead, Billy Bragg, Queen, Meditations, New Order, The Cure, Erasure, Radiohead, Concrete Blond, Jesus and Mary Chain, Janes Addiction,Otis Redding, Bobby Colarado and the Ultimate Late Night Partiers! the Killer's, Built to spill, Beatles, Sean fleming Band. Damian Rice, Sam Bisbee, The Flaming Lip's,Ween,Paddy Riley, Sinead O'Conner, David Bowie, Elton John,Violent Femmes, Massive Attack, All 80's Brit Pop,Lucy the Dog, Hollies, Buddy Holly, Patsy Cline, Soundtrack's that define my life, My brother on the Clarinet!


WILLOW, WILLOW, WILLOW! Princess Bride, Terms of Endearment, Almost Famous,Raising Arizona,Goodfellas, Casino,fightclub, Seven,Benny and Joon,Drugstore Cowboy, Basketball Diaries, Edward Scissorhands, Finding Neverland, Simon Birch, Shawshank Redemtion, Return to Paradise, True Romance, If I should fall from grace,Borat,I am Sam, Of Mice and Men, Casino, Harold and Maude, Shindlers list, Hotel Rwanda,Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and of course Charlottes Web!


Sex in the City,All reality TV,trauma in the ER,Grey's anatomy,I love to watch Intervention, but mostly Discover and History Channel!Lately all TV is controlled by Olivia so I watch alot of gay porn!


a Prayer for Owen Meany, The Bell Jar, Where the red fern grows, And I dont want to live this life, The Alchamist,My Dad's old journal's, Any biograghy or story about real life! I read alot of books about true crime and weird people. Yes I am that idiot that read's about cardiac medicine and still feel like I dont know what Im doing half the time!


My Daughter! My Parent's, My best friend Geoff, My patient's! My Dad I have to say is awesome, a man that has had so much life struggle and yet keep's a smile on his face!Oh and my best friend Victoria Welsh I wish I was half the women that she is!

My Blog

So Im the Dummy!

Okay so Ive been trying to get Liv to sleep in her new bed for 2 month's now and have had no success. I get the brillant idea to go buy her fish, like I dont have enough animal's to take care of. Well...
Posted by Joy Juice on Wed, 02 May 2007 10:29:00 PST

Stinking Rat's!

Such a beautiful day, as I sit here and wait to go to work, Im on call! I just got off the phone with my best friend Nikki, known her since I was 5. We started talking about my job which usually I tak...
Posted by Joy Juice on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:26:00 PST

My mom is too cute

So sitting here on a lovely Saturday night and my mom call's. this in itself is an expected occurance, since Ive had Olivia she tend's to call me alot more than before, which is sweet. I think she thi...
Posted by Joy Juice on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 08:10:00 PST

And this is what it is all about!

My pipes are frozen, my bank account not so great and this cold weather is killing my foot. So that was my mood until, I decided to go to the grocery store! That in itself usually put's me in a state ...
Posted by Joy Juice on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 02:19:00 PST

Flavor of Love!

I swear, I have been talking about this for month's at work but If Sir Flavor Flav has another reality show I am so going to be on it. How funny would that be even if I last only a day. I would die a ...
Posted by Joy Juice on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 06:41:00 PST

Poopy on potty!

AHAY, Yes we have it one big poopy in the potty. Not by me, well not this time but by one Ms. Olivia Shea Donovan. After many attempt's and a few misses ( one involving the laundry basket) my little m...
Posted by Joy Juice on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 07:38:00 PST