Charlie the Koala profile picture

Charlie the Koala

Bipeds welcome.

About Me

Hey. I'm a koala bear. Yeah I know, we're not really bears. Duh, fucker. It's called a misnomer. I know this will shock you, but jellyfish aren't fish and tasmanian devils aren't really supreme spirits of evil often represented in Jewish and Christian belief as the tempters of mankind, the leaders of all apostate angels, and the rulers of Hell. They are however from Tasmania, which I hear isn't too pleasant.

My Interests

Moving slowly, staring into the distance, having a pouch, eucalyptus leaves.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who doesn't mind me ordering eucalyptus leaves on my pizza. I'm so lonely. :(


Music kind of hurts my ears. I have big ears.


Quigley Down Under. Before you laugh, rent it, fucker. It's good.


I used to watch Bob Ross on PBS, but he's dead now.


Watership Down was pretty cool. Heh, stupid fucking rabbits.

My Blog

Lesbians? Really?

I find myself.  Torn.  By this news: (Taken from The Independent) Female koalas indulge in lesbian "sex sessions", rejecting male suitors and attempting to mate with each other, sometimes u...
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 03:14:00 PST


Here are the rules: You have been tagged. Now you have to tell six odd (or not so odd) facts about yourself and select six of your friends to do the same. Once you post your six facts in a blog, ...
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 03:21:00 PST

Charlie the Comic Book!

Posted by Charlie the Koala on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 05:29:00 PST

Stupid cat.

Friggin cat's not getting any easier with the sharp hands, but I found a way to distract her and her little walnut sized brain. Laser pointer, man.Haha, stupid cat.Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:44:00 PST


Hi.  I'm a koala.  I'm very cute.  I also haven't been on Myspace much lately, but I just noticed that the video that I posted in my previous blog isn't working.  Why do you hate m...
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 02:12:00 PST

I got that filthy kitten back.

Hi.  I'm Charlie.  I'm a koala.  I've expressed to many of you how my life has been made hell by this kitten that my owner got a few months back.  And this furry terror ain't exact...
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 08:16:00 PST

A little about Charlie.

Hi.  I'm a koala.  I filled out one of those surveys that you see in the bulletin section and posted it, but it was immediately washed away by like 45 other bulletins.  I think those 45...
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 01:36:00 PST

My life is over.

My owner got a kitten this morning. This thing. Is out. TO KILL ME. Proof! I have proof! Watch the footage!!   Get this video and more at My owner insists the kitten is just playing....
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Sun, 28 May 2006 07:15:00 PST

Self Portrait.

Sometimes I get restless hanging around the house while my owner's at work.  So today, I decided to create a masterpiece in MS Paint (my owner keeps Photoshop password protected ever since I crop...
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Tue, 09 May 2006 02:31:00 PST

How to make the world a happier place.

'Nuff said. (Thanks to Chanel ( for being my spokesmodel.  She's nice for a human.)...
Posted by Charlie the Koala on Wed, 03 May 2006 04:32:00 PST