Jodie Rose profile picture

Jodie Rose

People are going to talk...might as well give them something to talk about ;)

About Me

I am very outgoing and love to meet new people. I cant stand fake or jealous people...those are the types that I choose to IGNORE OR kill with kindness :)!!!My job allows me to have lots of free time, but you will never see me sitting around my apartment doing nothing. I have to constantly stay busy doing something...and whatever it is, I am always having fun! I love my cell phone~I can't take it away from my ear*Going to my Sister's Soccer and Field hockey games* kick boxing classes*shopping for anything and everything* cheering for my bros at their wrestling meets*dolphins~my FAVORITE animal on the planet!*hiking*making breakfast*the ocean*swimming*reading magazines by the pool~bounus if a frozen drink is involved*days at the spa*hangng with my old school girls :)*working(unless I am hungover lol)*Starbucks*making accessories*getting pretty for a big night out*taking care of children~even though I don't think I want any myself*traveling to new places*sunny days*warm weather*roses(my middle name)*dancing with the girls*teaching others to do new things*Bud Select*inside jokes*speaking in code*decorating homes*entertaing people*making people laugh*singing in the car*coffee*Captain and diet*boat rides~the best if it's at sea!*ice cream*fashion*Going to the lake*Meeting new people*drives through the country*of course...the Cardinals*Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

*Paris Hilton*George Clooney*Oprah*


I could go on forever but my favorites are... Rihanna*Biggie*Madonna*T.I.*Techno*2pac*


I don't sit down and watch T.V. or movies very often, but if I do there are some that I can tolerate... How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Pretty Woman, Rumor Has It, Top Gun(Why did Tom Cruise have to turn into such a weirdo?!)Blow, Alfi,Almost Famous, Oceans 11, Gone in 60 Seconds, Goonies, and Mean Girls


Sex in the City*Girls Next Door*Law and Order SVU*O.C.*Cold Case*Entertainment Tonight*Simple Life


Lucky, The Truth About Diamonds, Uncle Tom's Cabin, The Diary of Anne Frank, and any Jackie Collins Novel


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