*Paris Hilton*George Clooney*Oprah*
I could go on forever but my favorites are... Rihanna*Biggie*Madonna*T.I.*Techno*2pac*
I don't sit down and watch T.V. or movies very often, but if I do there are some that I can tolerate... How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Pretty Woman, Rumor Has It, Top Gun(Why did Tom Cruise have to turn into such a weirdo?!)Blow, Alfi,Almost Famous, Oceans 11, Gone in 60 Seconds, Goonies, and Mean Girls
Sex in the City*Girls Next Door*Law and Order SVU*O.C.*Cold Case*Entertainment Tonight*Simple Life
Lucky, The Truth About Diamonds, Uncle Tom's Cabin, The Diary of Anne Frank, and any Jackie Collins Novel
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