"SLOW BURN" Burning Earth (live at The Lighthouse)Allow me to introduce to you the members of GlamSLAM Productions and GlamSLAM28 Management:
"Sweet Lou." Hetzer, President
Pete Yezbak, VP of Promotions and Talent
Lacey Hetzer, Coordinator
Big Matt; Diesel, Venue Security
Thank you for taking the time to find about who we are. GlamSLAM Productions was an idea to bring shows to Pittsburgh that either haven't played this town in a while or shows of up and coming bands that normally wouldn't have a date here. Personally I was tired of having to drive to Cleveland, Columbus, Erie, or anywhere other than the beautiful city of Pittsburgh that I am proud to live in. Like most of you we would get frustrated that bands such as Jackyl or Steelheart or Zebra or a zillion other bands from the 70's, 80's and even the 90's bypassed Pittsburgh on every leg of their tours. SO like any fan we would drive out of our fair city to see these guys. And would always ask the bands the same questions... (just like most of you guys do on the comment sections hahaha) "how come you're not coming to Pittsburgh?" or "when ya coming to Pittsburgh?" and they would tell us the same things..."we WANT to play there, but the promoters don't care" Well that was until NOW! WE do care and I want to bring MORE shows to Pittsburgh for all of us to enjoy. And WE will, it is going to take the support of the fans and the support of LOCAL BANDS! We want to bring the National acts in AND we want the LOCAL BANDS to open the shows, BUT there is some hard work involved. We don't expect something from someone that we don't expect from ourselves, so hard work is expected to GIVE something back to people who pay their hard earned money for a show. Our goal is to bring top entertainment to town at a LOWER cost to the public. We didn't start this business to get rich, quite frankly there are plenty of other things to do that would make a person more money than this. Which brings us to...
Local bands...you WILL have to sell tickets for the show. We are NOT "PAY TO PLAY," but you will need to help do your part. This is still a business and needs to be treated as such. Your band has to help promote your appearance as much as we do. I have gone to A LOT of shows throughout the years and would see some kick ass locals then I'd see some really BAD local openers. EACH AND EVERYTIME that I saw a SUB-PAR band in an opening slot they either; A.) Paid the promoter/venue to get on the bill. B.) The venue/promoter were friends with the band or C.) They knew someone who called in a favor to get them on the bill. Everytime, the bands would put in a lackluster performance because they felt they were "deserving" of the slot because they had cash or they knew someone. The bands that usually got the crowds off, were the bands that worked their asses off before, during, and after the shows. I only want the bands that WANT to play and work hard, 9 out of 10 times it comes across in their performance and only enhances EVERYONE'S enjoyment of the show (including the headliners)
Depending on the size of the show, the venue, etc, bands that play our shows are only expected to sell between 15-30 tickets. Not to mention the bands usually are paid an average of 30% of the ticket price AND a food and beverage rider. We don't expect anything from anyone that WE don't expect from ourselves.
If your a band that wants to play any of our shows, just contact me at:
[email protected] or you can send your demo and or press kit for review to:
GlamSLAM Productions/GlamSLAM28 Management
c/o Lou. Hetzer
1722 State Avenue
Suites 1-3c
Coraopolis, PA 15108
See ya at the shows....!!
"Sweet" Lou.and the rest of the GlamSLAM family!