ZILCH profile picture



About Me

What would you get if you took twin brothers; one a Goliath built six-string slinging lead guitarist and one bass pounding behemoth of exact stature, from a successful local heavy rock band? Then add one part rhythm guitarist from the Dimebag Darrell School of Rock, stir in a third six-string lead shredder with speed and agility to make a Megadeth fan grin ear to ear, then flavor them with a heavy pounding million watt smiling skin bashing drummer, to top this lethal concoction off with one of THE premiere metal vocalist who can actually SING? You’d get ZILCH, that’s what. And you would get it with the biggest middle finger ever thrown.
To have your band referred to being nothing more than ZILCH is a compliment to this band! The total sum of this band amounts to what you get when you mix Jagermeister with RedBull; a mixture of fun and danger!
Zilch is THE hard rockin’and even harder partying band to hit the Pittsburgh music scene in a long while. One ZILCH show will take even the most timid of rock fan and turn them into a fist pounding, beer swilling, headbanging, metal horn throwing, screaming maniac.
The band started as a “side project” for the Climo Bothers of the Pittsburgh hard rock band Stronghold. Bassist, Dan Climo and guitarist brother, Dave Climo were looking for heavier outlet their current band was not affording them. Who knew a night at a Lynyrd Skynyrd show would put them down a path to fate and destiny?
That night they joined forces with their original lead singer and began putting the pieces together. While flyin’ with “the Free Bird” that night and a few cocktails later, it went so far as wanting to name this newly conceived “dream” team. Dan showing his humor still intact suggested, “ZILCH” The magic happened…
With a guitarist, bassist, and singer in tow; all they would need now would be a drummer and MAYBE a second guitarist for that HEAVIER sound…or so they THOUGHT…
As luck would have it each member made calls to guitarists that they knew. Not ANY guitarist would do, they needed a guitarist with the same PASSION and VISION as they did. These new band members would need to understand that Dan and Dave had their “other” band that was first…ZILCH was going to be a side project in the interim. Their new frontman made a call to guitarist John “Hippie” Fedlock and the Brother’s Climo contacted their friend, Nick “IX” Hartman. Both were equally strong guitar players and since this was a “fun side project” they took the true spirit of rock-n-roll…”EXCESS IS BEST” And so the “Toxic Terror Twins” became part of the family. At point of being hired Nick asked “So what are we called” to which Dave replied “Zilch”. Nick grinned and said “Cool. Nothing but metal.” So thus the battle cry was born.
Suddenly a band needing only a drummer and ONE guitarist came to the rehearsal with THREE guitarists and NO drummer. Fittingly enough for an idea that was conceived at a Lynyrd Skynyrd show where THREE guitarists is the NORM. The band however still needed to fill out its rhythm section with a HEAVY hitter.
With fate and destiny (not the strippers…least not YET) driving this metal machine, “Hippie” hit up the local musician board. A classified ad by a drummer looking for a “HARD ROCKING, HEAVY METAL band” was posted and “Hippie” responded. They set up a meeting and audition with drummer Kevin Stiles. While speaking with Kevin they found out that his ad had only been posted for ONE HOUR before the band responded…fate and destiny indeed! Kevin now became the final “time keeping” piece.
With all members in place, the band hit the music scene…HARD and LOUD! Suddenly this “side-project” took on some steam. A buzz about this “new” band was all around. Shows were packed; fans started boarding the ZILCH train by the dozens.
ZILCH shows were no longer just six guys out “trying” to rock the house…it become six guys who Destroyed it and all adjacent dwellings. Club owners not only loved the band…they loved the FANS. The fans of ZILCH are hard rockin’ and even harder partyin’ crazies, not unlike the band members themselves. The shows became one huge LOUD party.
After 2 years of playing all over the tri-state area the “side project” became a full bore metal band. Fate and destiny must have been on vacation the day that the original lead singer decided to pursue “family” life and settle down. As if somebody bumped the turntable at the party, the record suddenly made a distinct scathing skip.
The band had a solid fanbase and wasn’t about to call it a day. The shows were out of control fun for everyone. The party was only gonna get LOUDER, DRUNKER, and LIVELIER!!
The band’s official “do it all” friend/webmaster/photographer/tattoo artist/merch man/ and walking PR guy, “Spanky” had something up his tattoo sleave; a singer/songwriter/guitarist/drummer and metal frontman by the name of Bob “Boa” Mitnik. “Boa” came to the table with lungs from hell and a prayer to heaven was answered. Fate and destiny stepped in once again and the band KNEW that “Boa” was just THE ingredient to make this lethal concoction even deadlier.
2006 was filled with non-stop gigging, refining the band’s sound and writing more “original” tunes. The band now had a distinctive sound AND a live show that hit on ALL 6 cylinders. The band didn’t wait for opportunity to come knocking, THEY went out and KICKED opportunity’s door in the ass.
The band has since opened for numerous national acts from 80’s hairmetal gods to current Billboard charting making heavy metal artists; such as Jani Lane of Warrant and Jackyl to Shadowside.
The band has written new music and is currently in the studio recording new material as of 2008. Their self-titled ZILCH demo is available at shows as well as other merchandise including “GuiSTAR picks.” Endorsement opportunities have been offered on almost a daily basis, but the band is too caring and passionate to jump in bed with just anyone…even Fate and Destiny.
It doesn’t matter why or where the band started. What does matter is where they are TODAY. Hopefully TONIGHT they’re in YOUR town and YOU’RE at THEIR show! Be prepared to have your metal horns UP and your glasses raised when ZILCH hits the stage.
The band wishes to send a HUGE METAL THANKS OUT TO…Fate and Destiny for EVERYTHING that is GREAT in this band!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 2/5/2006
Band Website: zilchmetal.com
Band Members: DAN CLIMO - bass and backup vocals

JOHN 'HIPPIE' FEDLOCK - lead and rhythm guitar and backup vocals

KEVIN STILES - drums and percussion

DAVE CLIMO - lead and rhythm guitar and backup vocals

NICK HARTMAN - rhythm guitar and vocals

BOB 'BOA' MITNIK - lead vocals

EMail John at: hippie0911@yahoo.com
EMail Nick at: phoenix9ix@gmail.com
Band EMail: zilchband@yahoo.com
Influences: Beer
Sounds Like: Nothing but Metal!!!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Our apologies for June 20th show

Hey everyone, Kevin here All of the guys from Zilch want to apologize to everyone who planned on catching our show at the Bloomfield Bridge Tavern this past Friday.  Due to a misun...
Posted by ZILCH on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:07:00 PST

Show at the Lighthouse Dec. 22nd Opening for National Act Shadowside

Come see Zilch at The Lighthouse in Imperial. Sat. Dec. 22nd. Opening for National Act Shadowside. Tickets through us are only $8.00 plus you get a free Zilch CD. Also appearing are Burning Earth and ...
Posted by ZILCH on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 08:55:00 PST

Zilch made the airwaves!

Hey all, Kevin here from Zilch.  I just wanted to throw a quick blog up to say that our song "Wicked Mind" was just played on the internet radio station Broadcast Rock 105.3's "Metal Till Mi...
Posted by ZILCH on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:05:00 PST

New shows

Check it.Sat. Feb. 3rd Tilts in GibsoniaOpening for Defiant ReunionFri. Feb. 16th White Hawk in Penn HillsOpening for Sacred DominionSat. March 10th RPM's in Bridgevillewith Sacred DominionSat. April...
Posted by ZILCH on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 03:46:00 PST

RPM's Ready to get Rocked!!!

Come one, come all. I command thee. You will come see ZILCH at RPM's. You will tell your friends. You will drink lots of booze. You will stay tuned for opening act updates. You will live the Metal!!! ...
Posted by ZILCH on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:41:00 PST

ZILCH at Tilts Feb. 3rd

Look out one and all. Defiant is back! Come see the Defiant reunion show with none other than little ol us to warm all you crazy f#@kers up! Don't miss this one! Live the Metal!!! Contact Tilts for fu...
Posted by ZILCH on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:37:00 PST

New tunes

Hey check it out. The new tunes from our latest studio trek are up. Stay tuned for more. Live the Metal!!!!!!!!
Posted by ZILCH on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 11:00:00 PST


ZILCH will be atCafe Supreme in IrwinThis Saturday January 6200 Main Street Irwn, PA 15642724-864-4867 With:Radio ActiveA Nervous Wreckwww.radioactiverocks.com www.myspace.com/radioactiverocks www.my...
Posted by ZILCH on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 08:10:00 PST

New Pics from Warren, Ohio

Hey! Check out the cool new pics from Studio West in Warren, Ohio!!  -- Thanks Spanky and Reech! check out: www.zilchmetal.com/pics2.htm...
Posted by ZILCH on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:44:00 PST

ZILCH - live video from Warren, Ohio show last Saturday!

Hey!Check out the ZILCH - live video of 'Wicked Mind' from our Warren, Ohio show last Saturday for Dangerous Inc's CD Release party!!What a nite we all had!!!Go to the Audio page of our websiteHere is...
Posted by ZILCH on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 03:32:00 PST