name Crystal
hair color chocolate cherry
fave pet deceased my white american pit bull Babe! Who out there remembers Babe??
10 year goal obtain my stage hand union card & work in Manhatten after my mom passes away
fave guitarist Jim Dofka
best friend Jesus Christ
most cherished gift friendship of others
fave sports momment When my birthson gave me a thumbs up while he was standing on first base
fave sports personality other then Wesley Anton Ono Olympic speed skater. I love his smile
fave female guitarist & vocalist Marla Sgro
catch phrase I hate the most "Get er Done" irritating
worst off the clock near death experience body surfing at Pantera
craziest words I heard a singer say through a mic When Phil Anselmo called Ozzfest 04 out to the parking lot!!!
most incredible miracle I saw from God birth of my son & the life he has now
morral support in life from the adoption community world wide, friends, God
area bands I miss the most Crayon Death, This Tortured Soul, Screamer
California band I want to see become huge New Maximum Donkey,
fave area bassist James Babcock/ Dofka/ TTS
fave area drummer Mike from Coinmonster
global peace? we have it here at myspace!!
music genre I'd like to see come back to life Thrash
young area talent that can bring thrash back Meltdown... Go see em before they go national & leave us
fave local hangout other than Barbs. Whats up Barb? local diner, hello to my elderly freinds RIP Sam"I'll see ya when I'm lookin at ya" See ya in heaven bro
birthday Christmas morning
city I need to go to again ASAP!!!!! The big apple.. New York city Cant wait to get back there
fave vacation// yes I love fast vacations Toronto Canada, beautiful, everyone should go & enjoy it
dream job stagehand work I'm living it. Hail to our I. A. S. T. E. bretheren
What i would tell other people during hard times Never give up, one person can make a global difference
most horrific act of humanity partial birth abortion
why I wrote this survey give you something to read while listening to World on Fire
Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace
anything with computer animation
David Letterman, King of the Hill, Seinfeld, The Apprentice
Holy Bible, psychology related (Men are from Mars Women are from Venus), adoption related, Being Adopted-the Life Long Search for Self, Children of Open Adoption, anything from Betty Jean Lifton- Twice Born,
Anyone who takes a stand against child abuse