roller derby, mockery, the internet, science fiction & fantasy, gaming, books, the chicago public library, cooking, biking, public transit geekery, cities, neighborhoods, weird art, photography, yoga, ddr, drag kings and burlesque performers
You!Well, unless you suck.
noise, idm, glitch, stephin merritt, the magnetic fields, future bible heroes, the 6ths, hooverphonic, the divine comedy, kimya dawson, the moldy peaches, melissa ferrick, the old 97's, rhett miller, carter usm, the mountain goats, neutral milk hotel, outkast, winter machine, the wicked soundtrack, andrew bird, abba, s:cage + heroine, the eels, xtc, ch district, mlada fronta, oil 10, duuster, dryft, contagious orgasm, ah cama-sotz, this morn omina, pow[d]er pussy
my neighbor totoro, shaun of the dead, all over me, dead poets society, empire records, star wars, grave of the fireflies, fucking amal, metropolis (anime version), amelie, lord of the rings, ginger snaps
lost, heroes, buffy, angel, firefly, battlestar galactica, freaks and geeks, x-files, simpsons
kate wilhelm, scott westerfield, neil gaiman, suzy mckee charnas, octavia butler, emma donoghue, ayun halliday, warren ellis, connie willis, john varley, ariel gore, aaron cometbus, jim munroe, mary anne mohanraj, john brunner, j.r.r. tolkien, alison bechdel, tamora pierce, patricia c. wrede
people who make things, or make things happen