science fiction, burlesque, comics, video games, bdsm, biking, crafting, knitting, sewing, bookbinding, box making, queer theory, veronica mars, battlestar galactica, buffy the vampire slayer, angel the series, kids in the hall, veganism, tattoos, cooking, libraries, violin, yoga
Those who celebrate being inbetween and outside.
Nerds, dorks, butches/boyish girls, tops, goths, rockabilly people, freaks, vegans, kinksters, queers, crafty bitches, bikers.
Someone to teach me swing and jive dancing.
Those who like to make and eat vegan food.
genres: goth, insurgent country, rockabilly, gothabilly, rap, indie rock, new wave, iranian pop
bands: interpol, dresden dolls, my bloody valentine, bauhaus, cocteau twins, hank williams (I & III), joy division, velvet underground, neko case, nick cave, sisters of mercy, tchaikovsky, iggy pop, johnny cash, pixies, new pornographers, kristin hersh, magnetic fields, public enemy, yo la tengo, black heart procession, 16 horsepower, arash, colin newman, gossip, gun club, wire
genres: iranian films, silent films, independent films.favorite directors: abbas kiarostami, jafar panahi, hal hartley, peter jackson, early tim burton, todd haynes, stanley kubrick.
favorite producer: christine vachon.
individual movies: welcome to the dollhouse, trust, velvet goldmine, cecil b. demented, edward scissorhands, the circle, safe, dr. strangelove, kiss me deadly, lord of the rings, haxan, harold and maude, heavenly creatures
buffy the vampire slayer, kids in the hall, twin peaks, angel, lost, deadwood, battlestar galactica, veronica mars
we have always lived in a castle, goblin market, strangers in paradise, parable of the sower, the dispossessed, kabuki, oh my goth, lenore, charm school, the waves, ulysses, the trial, bell jar, lord of the rings, perks of being a wallflower, reading lolita in tehran
authors: shirley jackson, william faulkner, james joyce, virginia woolf, judith butler, tom robbins, ursula le guin, octavia butler
Chuck D, Einstein, and Ghandi