Lori profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Moved to Chicago from Cleveland in November of 2004 to pursue my dreams, a better place to live and grow creatively, and follow my heart. Somewhat unfortunately, I've been away from my beloved city for far too long. But it's all for a very good thing, namely my wonderful fiance, Ash. We're getting married on Halloween!I'm fun, loyal, loving, stubborn, fiercely protective of the people I care about, somewhat outspoken, have developed the act of shoving my foot in my mouth into a fine art, demand respect of my person, my relationships, and my personal boundaries, and am just trying make myself a comfy little place in this world surrounded by good people and be with that special guy. I can also be quite the princess when I feel like it (it's usually when I want to be left alone). I firmly believe in the significant in significant other. I think at this point I've pretty much given up on some people figuring their shit out. Self-love is key in positive relationships, be they friendship or otherwise. Everything in life takes commitment. Otherwise, it's only half-assed and not nearly as fulfilling as it could be. Each lifetime is way too short to do anything half-assed, especially by the time one hits their thirties. There comes a time when you gotta buck up, take that long look in the mirror, and sort your life out. I am beyond ready for the good stuff that I know is out there. Oh, and one of the most ironic sayings that was ever thrown in my face is that you shouldn't throw stones in glass houses. It's true. There are definitely some people in this world who have no place in my life, whether directly or indirectly. They should know who they are. I love stompy electronic music, gaming, theatre, museums, taking pictures, reading, and all kinds of other stuffs!.. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Shakespeare, Shadowrun, powernoise/electro/industrial, theatre and theatre arts, set design, sound design, lighting design, love, being happy, getting what I want for once, Invader Zim, my kitties, Lenore, JTHM, Dawn, Kabuki, Warhammer, fake hair, big stompy boots, shiny things, Haujobb, Hocico/Dulce Liquido, promotions, Front 242, zombies (and the boys who love them), balance, dj'ing, yoga, tai chi, aromatherapy, healing, nemesis productions, faeries, falconry, my friends and my love, and millions of other things.

I'd like to meet:

People who aren't full of shit, and who don't take pleasure in other people's misery or misfortune. Honest, down-to-earth, fun people only need apply here. I AM NOT LOOKING TO DATE OR GET HIT ON DAMN IT!!!!! If the ONLY reason you want to add me as a "friend" is because you are trolling for chicks online, look elsewhere! I'm beyond taken, and quite happy about it. I'm also not into sharing...poly just isn't my thing, so don't bother asking. I'm NOT into metal...the few metal bands on here are personal friends of mine or have something that makes them stick out a bit from the rest. Just isn't my genre, so don't bother sending a request. I'm sure there's other people out there who will appreciate your stuff more then I will. If you want to add me as a friend, and you're not a band who might fit in with my listed interests, a fellow dj, or someone I know personally, I'd appreciate a small message telling me why you want to add me as a friend. "Hey baby, ur HOTT!" does not count.I also have a livejournal. It's nemesisn72. If any bands are looking to play shows in Cleveland or Chicago and want my help, feel free to im me via aolim with the same username. :) I'll do what I can to make it easier for you. MY INTERNET IS LIMITED THESE DAYS, SO PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH ME. If you're feeling neglected, just drop me a message.And now, some shameless pimpingClick the banner and visit In Winter.

You know you want to...

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Magna-Fi, Liquid, Epsilon Minus, Hocico, Dulce Liquido, Seabound, Mono No Aware, Soman, Oil 10, Sleepwalk, Haujobb/Daniel Myer, Front 242, Frontline Assembly, KMFDM, Pzycho Bitch/SINA, Delerium, Gary Numan, Peter Murphy, Meat Beat Manifesto, Coil, Funker Vogt, Manufactura, Converter, Combichrist, Icon of Coil, Decoded Feedback, Das Ich, Claire Voyant, Faith and the Muse, Ascii Disko, GLIS, Yavin 4, TOY, E-Craft, Autechre, Architect, This Morn Omina, Pow[d]er Pussy, Bjork, Nebula H, The Gothsicles, SITD, Das Ich, Virtual Embrace, Monolith, Re-Agent, Cervello Elettronico, Pneumatic Detach, Filament 38, Cruciform Injection, UV, Skinny Puppy, Informatik, Iszoloscope, Synapscape, Cesium 137, Xotox, Sleepwalk, Pierrepoint, too many others to list (see my friends!)


5th Element, Pirates of the Caribbean, Clerks (okay, any Kevin Smith movie), Resident Evil, LOTR (all of them), Blade, Chicago, Princess Mononoke, Ghost in the Shell, The Princess Bride, Much Ado about Nothing, Hamlet (Kenneth Branaugh's more then the Mel Gibson), Braveheart, The Mummy, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Happy Texas, Titus, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars/Empire/Jedi, X-men and X2, The Last Unicorn (shut up), Sleeping Beauty, The Three Muskateers, The Secret of Nihm, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spirited Away, Equalibrium, Serenity
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Six Feet Under, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, the Sci-Fi Channel, Invader Zim, the Simpsons (on occasion), Lost, Supernatural, Bones, Firefly, Angel, Battlestar Gallactica
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
Get this video and more at MySpace.com


Oh so many! Neuromancer, Tolkein, every other Willam Gibson I've read, The Mists of Avalon, Charles de Lint, historical fiction and nonfiction, scifi, fantasy...just about anything I can get my hands on


Angel, Jane Goodall

My Blog

I’m very tired...

...of having to be, as my dad once called it, a relationship bouncer (or as I like to say, the relationship police). Granted, in all fairness, it did take me a majority of my life to truly understand ...
Posted by Lori on Wed, 28 May 2008 06:33:00 PST


I finally broke down and made one.  I'm still figuring it out, but if you know how to search for people on there, feel free to add me! You can probably search for me with my email: nemesisn72@yah...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 26 May 2008 08:56:00 PST

Check out this event: Phil Western, Shamanavi, vav & P.C. live in Philly

Hosted By: Shamanavi When: Friday May 30, 2008 at 8:30 PMWhere: Ulana's205 Bainbridge St.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania|39 19147United StatesDescription:Shamanavi Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Lori on Mon, 26 May 2008 07:22:00 PST

North Carolina

I uploaded a fair number of pictures to my flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/45476858@N00/...
Posted by Lori on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 10:13:00 PST

Accidental Oysters

Nothing like getting 3/4 of the way through a plate full of food before realizing it’s not even remotely what you wanted... I’m currently in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina with my mom and ...
Posted by Lori on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:52:00 PST

New camera

I recently bought myself a Canon G9. It’s beyond hot. I’ve been toying with it, trying to figure out all the buttons and knobs, but I’m slowly getting the hang of it. I posted some o...
Posted by Lori on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:59:00 PST

So strange...

I know I haven't been online in quite some time, and I will again lament my lack of internet at home.  I have to drive at least 20 minutes to get access these days, so needless to say, it can be ...
Posted by Lori on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 04:41:00 PST

Things to be thankful for.

I didn't get to post on Thanksgiving, so this is a bit late, and while I don't really personally feel the need to celebrate a holiday that stems from such negative things (look it up if you don't know...
Posted by Lori on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 06:37:00 PST

Wedding photos!

I posted some wedding photos in a new album. :) Thanks Eric!
Posted by Lori on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 09:52:00 PST


So I might be there, for the weekend anyway. Hooray for video shoots and g33k time!
Posted by Lori on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 02:13:00 PST