Mario profile picture


Hustle right til ain't nothin' left, and keep it tight to def!

About Me

i'm from milwaukee, wisconsin, but now i live in los angeles. throughout the years, i've done a lot. hmm, let's see if i have enough room to tell you about it...
when i was a child, i was entered into various piano recitals. i was never in plays, although i think it would have been a good experience. piano was my instrument. when i would get down about playing or practicing, i remember my mother always telling me that one day i'll be at a party and there'd be a piano. she would tell me that someone would ask if anyone can play the piano, and i'd be able to say that i can. she also told me that it would make me stand out of the crowd. it happened...more than once in my life.
i went to a private high school and later to college, where i studied public relations. i wrote for the university's newspaper and co-hosted a radio show. in that time, i also worked for a commerical radio station. i graduated from college and kept on with commercial radio until i realized i could make real money elsewhere. so that's when i went to work for coca-cola. i did that for a few years until i moved into public releations. i did public relations for a bit and then focused all my energy on the music industry.
i had managed music since college, and i had been writing music reviews for a music magazine, so it all seemed to fit right into play. i kept writing for that same music magazine when another magazine asked me to write for them, so i did. i was writing for both magazines and loved it - all the while, working at a record label.
it was around this time that i managed to pull off what was impossible in my book: i was asked on stage by my music idols, Jane's Addiction. the actual backstory is beside the point, but i had done it. Perry Farrell himself asked me on stage. that event even got me the cover of a magazine some time later.
so, my life in milwaukee was moving along when years later, the record label i was working for moved east. read about it in billboard magazine if you so wish. it's in one of my blogs. if action yields reaction, i reacted to my company's move east, by counteracting it by moving west.
so, here i am. i live in hollywood. there's a star on the star walk with my f**king name on it. i see music all the time. all kinds of music, all the time. it's what i do. oh, did i mention i'm a publicist? yeah, it's what i do. i do publicity for big names and small. i have worked with grammy winners, nominees, academy award nominees, latin grammy winners and nominees, fashion icons and more.
to be perfectly honest, music is in my blood. thinking back to my childhood, i always knew i'd work in the entertainment industry. now, here i am...and my mother said so.

My Interests

all things music. most importantly, Jane's Addiction. music was born and died with Jane's Addiction. alpha and omega.

I'd like to meet:

God, before i die.


everything. you name it.


art house films mostly. sundance flicks. not to put down the dick'n'fart joke movies. those are priceless too! from Cloe In The Afternoon to Caddyshack.


Las Vegas - The Simpsons - Seinfeld - and maybe the news for the damn weather report. and, as of late, i've been sucked into Grey's Anatomy and Nip/Tuck.


Desolation Angels - Jack Kerouac


i have no heroes except for my mother.

My Blog

Best of 2006 From Los Angeles? The City of Angels brings you...

City of Angels by Mario R. Martin   I moved to Los Angeles over Labor Day weekend in September. I'd been here for work, and play, for years, but now, nestled in the tourist confines of ...
Posted by Mario on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 01:18:00 PST

California Love...

i did it. i moved to los angeles. after much stress, i finally got an apartment. here's what i've been up to the last couple of weeks. last week i went to a few shows. first, i started the night...
Posted by Mario on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 11:29:00 PST

Billboard Magazine: EMI Launches Blue Note Label Group

Billboard Magazine July 19, 2006, 12:00 AM ET EMI Launches Blue Note Label Group By Jill Menze, N.Y. EMI Music has formed the Blue Note Label Group, a new structure for its adult pop, jazz and classic...
Posted by Mario on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 10:26:00 PST


hey people!   well, after many weeks upon weeks, i have finally put together COVER ME. what is it? well, i'll tell you if you can stop interrupting me!   the genesis: i used to be one of th...
Posted by Mario on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:59:00 PST

A Little Bit About Coachella 2006

A Little Bit About Coachella 2006 By Mario R. Martin   If I was still 7 years-old, I'd be asked to compile a theme or a report about something I was able to do. This would especially happen if I'...
Posted by Mario on Wed, 03 May 2006 09:37:00 PST

The Best Of 2005

The Best Of 2005 By Mario R. Martin   Usually, I err on the side of pop music for my guilty pleasure. 2004 was a great year for pop, while 2005 was not. So, in the truest form of a best of list...
Posted by Mario on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 10:00:00 PST

The Latin Grammy's

as you may or may not know, last week i attended the latin grammys ( in los angeles. if you know me well enough, you'll know that i love los ang...
Posted by Mario on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 03:02:00 PST

Milwaukee's Sympathy For The Devil

last week friday, my ceo sent me an email about the rolling stones as virgin records had sent us some tickets. he said he had tickets and was making them available to the company, but in an attempt to...
Posted by Mario on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 07:12:00 PST

R.I.P. Lollapalooza 2005

 Lollapalooza  Saturday, July 23, 2005   So, on Saturday morning (okay, so it wasnt morning) I made the trek to Chicago, Illinois to attend the only lollapalooza in the country for the yea...
Posted by Mario on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Last Day of Spring with OASIS

The Last Day of Spring with OASIS (6/20/05)   monday, june 20th is usually just another day of the week. this monday was just like any other with a twist. the sun was shining and the humidity in ...
Posted by Mario on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST