oneof_thousands profile picture


Just like you I am one of thousands

About Me

Good morning, afternoon, evening.

I produce music based on improvised recordings using guitars, drum machines, keyboards, effects pedals and experimental recording techniques. During the editing/writing process I simply allow the music to lead the way to its logical conclusion.

Potted musical history: At the age of 18 I formed my first band. We specialised in metal covers. With my first month's wage I bought a four track and began to write sketchy little pieces that eventually saw the light of day in Cinema Blues. Based in Leeds the band consisted of Jem Bowden (Guitar), Hannah Smith (Cello) Adam Smith (Drums), Jezz Bradbury(Moog) and myself on Guitar. After the split and relocation of various members the Bay Rocks were formed in Bristol consisting of Jem Bowden ( Guitar/ Vox), Hannah Smith (Cello), Jonny Todd (Glock and keys) and myself on Drums. On the side I had developed my next project and I decided to leave the Bay Rocks (now re-invented as Sunday Painters).Check out or .My Broken Toys had only two permanent members, myself and Chris Spencer. I think we were attempting to cross hip hop beats with Queens of the Stone Age guitars. This project fell apart but some of the pieces continued to develop. The music I wrote over the next months developed into two strands. One was song based the other instrumental. I have grouped these ambient/ experimental pieces together for oneof_thousands. See for my "songs".

A word on downloading: considering the amount of QUALITY FREE music available on myspace I would seem a waste not to download as much as you can. I don't think it is possible to really enjoy or absorb music when you are sitting at your PC. Better to copy it down to a CD and listen to it while you are doing the dishes or in the bath. Live with the music. Let it be the soundtrack to your day. Even though there is a great deal of interesting music to be found here it also very unlikely that, no matter how good, many artists will never find their music adorning the racks of the high street music stores. Right, I've said my piece.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/23/2006

Music: Papa M, Godspeed, Kraftwerk, Can, Neu!, Radiohead, Brian Eno, Velvet Underground, The Cure, Fridge, Boards of Canada, Mogwai, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Beatles, Abba, My Bloody Valentine, Rapture, Interpol, Labradford, Mouse On Mars, Death In Vegas, Joy Division, Sigur Ros, Bjork, Portishead, Faust, Flaming Lips, Primal Scream (electro stuff) , The Who, Arcade Fire, Vincent Gallo, Eric Satie, Chopin, Bogdan Racynski----

Literature: Verne, H. G. Wells, Welsh, Coetzee, Orwell, Palahniuk, Grayling, Tolkien, Steinbeck, Remarque, Donna Tartt, Bryson, Grant Naylor ----

Art: Rembrant, Banksy, Bacon, Lenkiewicz, Giacommetti, Auerbach, Creed, Duchamp, ----

Comedy: Laurel & Hardy, Tom & Jerry, Chaplin, Marx Brothers, Still Game, Father Ted, Blackadder, Billy Connolly, Napoleon Dynamite, League of Gentlemen, John Candy, Woody Allen, Gene Wilder, Python, Milligan, Spaced, Comic Strip Group, Fry & Laurie,Green Wing, My Name Is Earl, Ren & Stimpy --- and just about everything else I have ever seen or heard even if I hate something it influences me in some way.

Sounds Like: You tell me.
Type of Label: None