Self Preservation. Geeks, Freaks, and people who are not afraid to be un-popular/ un-hip. I am an odd-ball at heart with a sweet and fancy coating. I am especially happy when the moon is full,when my son Sage throws his head back in laughter, when I get one on one therapy with my art, when I am having my mind blown...having a staring contest with a shy person.border="0" /Users/USER/Desktop/budapest.jpg
All are welcome, especially people who think that humans are animals too, and as such sould not be part of any persons, organizations, govt's, religions et al experiment to control our mind/body/nature. (if you do not know what human nature consists of, it is much like the Chimpanzees- put us in cages and we go crazy) People who feel a sense of urgency to do better than what the status quo deems as the normative- too broad to embelish now- basically non-conformists, or people who are not motivated by every mind numbing symbol that gets flashed before them (the cross, the dollar$, nike to name a few)I love Art. If it were not for MUSIC I could not live. Philosophy is all encompassing. ALL Are welcome. Be NICE, HUMOR is a BIG +PLUs+ Love ALL.
boogie me boogie you..fearless and true. the common moan sigh red eye so good you could die that tribal feeling that moves us to breathe a little deeper and sing... Music feeds me.
My Life as a Dog, Harrold and Maude, Amaros Perros, Noviembre (not to be mistaken with the US film November), Frieda, HIgh Noon, winged Migration, Hedwig and the Angry Inch..Popeye..and the list goes on...
is kind of like myspace with a little more bullshit and make-believe.
Hermann Hesse, Kafka, Dostoyevsky, Anais Nin, Camu, Kundera, Hegel, Gore-Vidal, Carl Sagan, more and more.
Ghandi, Frida Khalo, Steve Colbert, Jon Storm, Sage, Patty Hearst (why not) Julia Butterfly Hill, the gorilla species and all of our animal relatives that are losing their homes because of human excess and greed/ the endangered species of human beings that give a shit.. go against the grain anymore, Dian Fossee..