I am the dark aspect of the Celtic Triple Goddess. I am also know as the Goddess of Death, the washer at the ford, the Battle Goddess, the Goddess of Magick and the Queen of Witches. I sometimes appear as a beatiful maiden, an ugly crone, or a raven. At Samhain I marry the God Dagdha. I am Sometimes seen as the triple goddess made up of three Crone goddesses of death, war, and distruction; Badb, Macha, and Nemain. Their collective name means "The Phantom Queen." They were said to fly over battles in the form of a raven or carrion crow. They are a powerful force ,but their collective energy can easily turn violent.I have been equated with Medh. The hero Cu Chulainn rejected me because he failed to recognize me. When he died, I sat on his shoulder as a crow.