Hi, my name is Paul & I'm a song lyricist (try saying that after a few beers!:) originally from the Swiss Cottage area of London now living (or trying hard to live!) in Israel. My main My Space site is at www.myspace.com/paullyricist . I have a number of song writing projects including a collaboration known as The Grils. You are invited to check out The Grils songs at www.the-grils.com .
I also write lyrics for 2 other German bands, 'Guitavio' ( www.myspace.com/guitavio ) & 'Projekt Lunar'( www.projektlunar.de ). Guitavio released their new Cd "Songs of Love and Loss" through Moon Sound Records ref: 1315-1514-11 containing six songs I'd written the lyrics to on 30th March 2007!
I am also currently working with a number of artists from The Uk - Tom Pearson, Paulio Guest (Billy Elliot); Denmark - Boyana; Switzerland - Darwin & the Electric Rebels; Israel - Henree, Guy Dagan, Oren Shitrit & too many to mention!
Check out "Darwin & the Electric Rebels" & their rendition of my 'Dead Man's Blues' (currently playing on my page) at www.myspace.com/ursrinert.
I will consider working with any artist, singer or band - established or not, wishing to add music to my lyrics & turn them into songs.
You are invited to check out my used & unused lyrics which can be viewed at: www.12inter.net/e-lyricz/user.php?id=1519 .
I am a member of the MCPS-PRS Alliance (ASCAP), London (CAE .. 497904008) - my lyrics can be used my with permission.
I am also now on Facebook at apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/Paul+Robert+Thomas .
Many more of the songs I wrote the lyrics to can be heard at apps.facebook.com/ilike/artist/Paul+Robert+Thomas .
Please also check out my published Dylan articles too:- On 'Every Grain of Sand','Seven Days', 'The Basement Tapes' and 'Caribbean Wind' at my Blog on my main site at www.myspace.com/paullyricist .
Feel free to message me directly at [email protected] .
Hope to hear from you soon
'Shalom' from Paul.
I'm pleased to announce a new song demo by the great Arthur May & myself called 'Spilt Milk'. The song is about wearing a condom to have sex (well I could have lied & told you it's about spilling your glass of milk I suppose:)! You can hear the song at my main music site at www.myspace.com/paullyricist
Thank you so much & Arthur & I really hope that you enjoy the song(s) & we'd love to hear your opinion of them!
Wishing you all the best - Paul:)!
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