Born in a crossfire hurricaine, raised by a toothless bearded hag, left to suckle from the hoary teat of a lonely she wolf, I learnt the fine and noble art of Raymearsness, that is to stalk about in the woods or up mountains wearing ill fitting camo fatigues, looking at poo and leaves and making fires. By mimicking the mating call of the double bearded Fat Bird, I attract mates and friends on myspace to look upon the images and listen to the many,many utterings which doth emit from my damn self and to feast upon the glorious delights herein. Hunting and gathering of succulent vinyl records to play with and perform to the thronging masses, remains a cherished pleasure from my years spent as a musical pop mong, that was one half of horizontal head exercise outfit Kinobe. I like a good snack on, sleep at least 18 hours a day, and drawing stuff gives me deep joy, as does the pursuit of good comedy times, treading the path of true love and searching for those special things that tickle the brain just so, which gives one a reason to carry on. Hello now. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow