Music, Art, Burlesque and acting like a Pirate!
Sir William Tyndale
ACTION 45 is driving the power back into power-pop and bringing punk back to the people!
Rising from the ashes of The White Trash Debutantes, a great band, visited by great people lead by punk legend Ginger Coyote, ACTION 45 is made from a bastard child of The Groovy Ghoulies, a runaway from New York, a Monterey migrant and a renegade Jihadhist. They combine power, stlye and conscience to bring you a combination of pop, punk and rock to make you dance, shout, drink and question authority!
Listen to more of our music at WWW.ACTION45.COM
then come down to see us at our next show...
...join the ACTION ARMY and help us wage war on the stripped down Sunset Strip!
Punk (no not this crap you hear on the radio or that crap that's so fast it makes no sense and has no RHYME or reason) Rock, Power pop, Rock-a-billy, Psychobilly and tunes with brass!
The music you hear is...
Check us out at our site, give us a listen, Come out and play with us, join the Action Army!
Anything that helps me forget how shitty this place is and some of the people sucking up usable oxygen...
The Simpsons, Conan, and of course M X C !
The Gilgamesh, the Tomes of Homurabi, the Book of the Dead, Dialogues with the Devil and anything by Anne Rice, Anton LeVey, Sir William Tyndale or Dr. Seuss.
My son Daniel.