Sada profile picture


All hail the Beef Lords!

About Me

Formed in late 2002 using the time honoured tradition of harvesting members from the corpses of local bands, Aylesbury's Sada set out on the road to heavy metal stardom with naught but gay abandon and a handful of their favourite albums.

"Sada sound like Ben Ward fronting a heavier style of Stoner rock with solos that have a similar feel to that of genre veterans Kyuss"

Months of rehearsing and arguing later, the band released the Bonetree.p. Drawing influence from bands such as Corrosion of Conformity, Down and Orange Goblin, it was well received by critics and fans alike and the band developed a strong local following.

"These are definitely tunes that will have even the most jaded, hard to please rock fan moving along to the rhythm"
"This is good honest metal, no tricks, no gimmicks, big blokes playing proper metaller guitars and headbanging"

Eager to please, the three piece devoted their time to writing new material and gigging. A return to the studio in late 2003 resulted in the recording of more tracks which, when combined with their earlier e.p. would become 'Sada vs. Los Cazadores de Cabezas'. It was this release which secured Sada a slot on the indoor stage of Uxfest 2004 where they left the crowd reeling not only from their devastating heavy metal assault, but the stench of big men on a hot summers day.
It was then that someone pointed out that spreading their seed a bit farther afield would be a good idea. Keen, as always, to steal an idea and claim it for their own, Sada set about compiling a list of venues and printing off copies of a hastily written biog....

"big rumbling Kyuss groove and riffage"

Fortunately for the intrepid threesome, their claims of kicking ass didn't fall on deaf ears and they were put through to the final ten bands by Kerrang Magazine in a competition to play Donnington 2005.
"Please welcome the future kings of British stoner metal. Who knew that Aylesbury would spew out something this heavy and monstrous?"

Had the competition been resolved in traditional combat with axes and halberds, our heroes may have triumphed but as it wasn't, the dark sinister evil of emo won the day.
Happy that it wasnt their band that scored a review of 2/5 for the resulting performance at Donnington, Sada returned to the simple life they had known before their brief fumble with success and continued pestering promoters up and down the country.....

My Interests


Member Since: 1/6/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Mason Storm - Bass/Vocals
Mike Danton - Guitar
TimeCop - Drums
Influences: Orange Goblin, Corrosion of Conformity, Down, Metallica etc
Sounds Like: LOOKS LIKE SADA?!?!


are giant apes that have dozens of tentacles, swat aeroplanes like flies, and CANNOT BE STOPPED.

To see if your Giant Battle Monster can
defeat Sada, enter your name and choose an attack:

fights Sada using

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Heaviosity = �����3

Heaviosity(Chapter One), Gallipoli Records stoner rock compilation CD is out NOW! Read a review by here Heaviosity features some of the coolest and heaviest unsigned grooves from b...
Posted by Sada on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:02:00 PST

** Contact Details **

In a startling display of bad planning, we appear to have forgotten to put any contact details on the myspace site. We can only assume this is why Burger King haven't responded to our offer of an endo...
Posted by Sada on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What did Kerrang say?

' Please welcome the future kings of British stoner metal. Who knew that Aylesbury would spew out something this heavy and monstrous? 'We could only be happier if Burger King responded to our requests...
Posted by Sada on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Review of the Peel All Dayer

Review of Sunday from Infact, you should all check the site out its very cool I missed he first band Cudamantra but next up were female fronted slooooow doom band, The River....
Posted by Sada on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST