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when will marshmallows be free on the NHS like birth control?

About Me

I like miaowing, i like it when people miaow back.i like drinking, and like it when people drink with me. i dislike hangovers (like now).i like walking. i do not like driving.i like people that are kind and thoughtful and laugh when you call them a twat.i don't like it when people take themselves too seriously.or get in a strop for no reason, twat. (you know if this is you cos you're not laughing) Layout Created at Mspremade.com

My Interests

cats. kittens as well. tickle this one with your mouse...

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I'd like to meet:

micheal barrymore in a dark alley when i have a big stick. or maybe a shovel. he sucks.
Your Fortune Is
Man who sneezes without hanky takes matters into his own hands. The Wacky Fortune Cookie Generator


is nice.


only ones with me in.


something i have a love hate relationship with. i very much enjoy (love?) er, scrubs, csi (horatio makes me laugh out loud). i don't enjoy (hate?)finding i've spent an extraordinary amount of time staring at an electronic box, possibly with my mouth open.


loads, yes please send them to me. currently american gods by neil gaiman. right finished that and then read monstrous regiment and the truth by terry pratchett (not for the 1st time) and then i read kansas in summer (not in kansas and not in the summer) by patrick gale.and then halfway thru i read the dark tower by steven king, which was scary and kept me awake and gave me very vivid dreams and ended quite well considering its taken him 7 books to get there, then went back to kansas in summer. and i'm just reading maskerade by terry p again and think i'll buy that for david for christmas, but don't tell him. and then i'm gonna start on the time travellers wife cos people keep going on about it. oh and its not called kansas in summer its kansas in august, but its nt set in august either. well now i've finished time travellers wife, was ok and the last 3rd of the book is really quite good. and i re read night watch by tezza p. not sure whats next... just re read harry potter and the order of the phoenix, cos i read that the film was coming out in the summer and got a little bit over excited about it. and now onto christmas book... have read the dead days by maurice sedgemore, bit creepy but the characters were skant and i kept waiting for more information, which didn't arrive. think its a kids book actually, but since my mum bought it i guess that's ok. well now i'm reading the devil wears prada by lauren weisberger. its quite engaging, but is defo a chick lit type book, will just have to plough on... well it was ok. didn;t really set my world on fire. am now reading the lighthouse by PD james, she uses big words... well that took me longer than i expected cos i got bored and found out whodunnit and i read strat by tezza p in between, which was nice and then i read we need to talk about kevin, i didn't like it in the beginning cos she was WELL whiny and narcississsssticuss but once kevin was born it was cool. although a little TRITE at the end (if you read it you know what i mean) haven't made my next pick yet but the think its gonna be this one about chinese women something to do with a secret fan?yar so i read that, snow flower and the secret fan, was good she had a way of writing terribly simply yet beautifully that i appreciate. then i read HP and the half blood prince cos i'm still over excited about the film this year and the book coming out also. now i'm reading samurail boogie, that my boss bought me from a charity shop to stop me whining at lunchtime cos i'm so BORED. oh and then i read man in the high castle by phillip k dick and its was like so totally amazing because japan and the nazi's won WWII and life is all mental and what, when you get right down to it is reality??? yeah see i know you are enraptured by it all. and then cos it was so great a read a scanner darkly by the same dude and he actaully might nlow my mind and if he wasn't dead i might blow him.


erm, Sarah Jessica Parker running down the road in 4 inch stilettoes. Took my breath away
What breed of cat are you? Your Result: British Shorthair

"Meow. I said meow! Where's my food?" All we ever hear about British cats in published material is that they're loyal and good hunters. But we British cat owners know that as house cats, you are quite useless, except maybe as very heavy heating pads. You are greedy, demanding, and narcissistic. Nevertheless, you are irresistible, so we end up worshiping you despite your obvious flaws of character.

Devon Rex
Exotic Longhair
Scottish Fold
What breed of cat are you?
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My Blog

americans are MENTAL and seriously need seeing to

deary dreary me. these people are nuts and ought to be told to do something worthwhile. mentals.   http://www.homestead.com/godslittleones/index.html   urgh. makes me feel a little weird. &n...
Posted by miaozers on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:21:00 PST

dicky fucking dooooooooberry

i'd like to devote some myspace to my brother jed. his current incarnation is 'jed says fuck yeah', he's 3rd in my friends list and the first sibling i ever had. i am his big sis. and i'm really fucke...
Posted by miaozers on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:52:00 PST

about 100

i can't even breathe FUCK i just bought a pension feel a million years old and wil be going to boots at lunchtime to get some anti aging creme bollocks to it, i'm gonna go cancel it and get pisse...
Posted by miaozers on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 05:20:00 PST


So you get tagged and have to write 6 weird things about yourself and then tag more people who will then do the same. or something. 1. I do really use the word miaow in day to day life. i say it all t...
Posted by miaozers on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 04:57:00 PST

the g b public

so. went up north at the weekend. went to halifax and blackpool. they all talk funny and think i talk posh, so thats nice. the main problem with up north seems to be getting there. was on rat (r...
Posted by miaozers on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 04:40:00 PST

learn from the past

Well, why o why don't i ever learn? having lived in this body for the last 26 years i know that if i eat more than 1 donut then i will feel sick. the sugar does something to my brain and it gives...
Posted by miaozers on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 07:04:00 PST

Be Original Please

If someone else tells me 'I like you Jen, but you're really quite weird' I'll bite their fucking arm off. You got me?
Posted by miaozers on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 08:59:00 PST

work and tea

so i'm at work right. and i'm quite tired today and also have been eating too many biscuits recently and my tummy feels a little bit too soft for my liking so i have decided to eat a bit less. fine yo...
Posted by miaozers on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 05:02:00 PST