Urban WAR Gear.US profile picture

Urban WAR Gear.US

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Urban WAR Gear.us & .com- Life is -"WAR"-GEAR UP...... With New Tunes AND Tudes...

Hey Everyone ! My name is Jonmark Sint-Holo,

I am the Founder AnD Creative ConsultanT of

U r b a n W a r G e a r
We are a NeW -CuTTing EdGe-
Boutique Merchandising company set up to create, develop and market clothing, apparel and speciality goods.

We ARE going to have -
The HoTTest
- Items you Could "WANT" Aganist Your BodY...
Tune in and enlighten yourself with ThE LOOK "Your Eyes Want to SEE".

"WAR BABES EXTRORDINAIRE" ................. CominG SOON !!

My Interests

Jenny Poussin Vip-U*W*G- Model

-Urban WAR Gear- is A New- Very Hip- Up And Coming Clothing Line - AND - The Global Distributer Of Music, Very Cool Gear and Merchandise for The New -Epic Rock and Roll- Band.... .*D*R*K*.........Divine Right of Kings..... The new -Urban WAR Gear- Line of Girls and Guys Custom Produced --Clothes with Attitude-- is Coming soon. Stay Tuned.

The role that "SeXy CloThinG" can play in Mood Acceleration and Vibe Enhancement in our Minds and our Physical Surroundings IS Phenominal..
The NEW -Urban WAR Gear- Line of Mens and Womens Clothes is Coming..The Hottest new items with Attitude!!

I'd like to meet:

Intelligent people with creative ideas. Motivated people seeking truth and enlightenment. People with beauty beyond skin deep. Knowledgable people with experiences to share and wisdom to give.
