Kosmas profile picture


aka Bunny King

About Me

I had some jibberish written here about me, but then again today (July 2008) I found out that my name means ... well see for yourself ...
Kosmas --
Having the texture of congealed cheese
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
Other about myself/me/Kosmas (only in German sorry):
Daniel M.
"Du bist ja lustig"
Ilia T.:
"Ich zähl auf Dich"
Alex P.:
"Yo Jigga"
Remek T.:
"alter griechischer Pimp!"
"Es dauerte, aber es hat geklingelt"
"... was grimmiges, aber auch was sehr zeilstrebiges"
M.R. (tut):
"gerade... meine aus Bernstein geschnitzte Kosi-Götze ablecken."

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Dragon Yin Yang

Kanye West - Gold digger

Add to My Profile | More VideosYour results:
You are Superman
Superman 75%
Spider-Man 75%
Catwoman 65%
Robin 63%
Hulk 60%
Green Lantern 60%
The Flash 55%
Supergirl 46%
Wonder Woman 46%
Batman 35%
Iron Man 30% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Mad TV- Can I have ur number? (mad funny)

My Interests

Movies, Music, Dancing, Reading, having fun

I'd like to meet:

An alien ... but only a friendly one! ;o)
Actual people? I'd say Samuel L. Jackson, Robert De Niro, Kate Beckinsale, Bruce Campbell, Miss World (only to discuss World Peace of course ;o) ) and others


I can listen to almost anything ... except Death Metal or whatever it's called (I'd call it "loud noises with screaming")When I'm out partying, it's more likely that I'll be hearing/dancing to Soul, R&B & Hip Hop music


Blood in Blood out (No. 1)Others include without any priority listing:Fight Club, U-Turn, Killer (John Woo); Fulltime Killer (J. To), M (F. Lang), (Uncertain)Uninvited Guest, Brazil, A simple Plan, Infernal Affairs, Pulp Fiction, Salvador, Natural Born Killers, Zatoichi (Kitano), Hana Bi, Mean Streets, Goodfellas, Doors, Pi, Requiem for a Dream, Tom Yum Goong (Warrior King), Science of Sleep, From Dusk til Dawn, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Joint Security Area (JSA), Old Boy, MUSA, Dawn of the Dead (Romero), Raging Bull, Being John Malkovich and so forth


(no paricular order):West Wing, Friends, Brisco County Jr., Dave Chappelle Show, Seinfeld, Sopranos, American Gothic, Firefly


Needful Things (Stephen King), If chins could kill (Bruce Cambell)

My Blog

Ein Service der Extra-Klasse! (german) Teil 2

Kurz und schmerzlos: Meine bestellte externe Festplatte kam immer noch nicht an (in einer Woche ist es 4 Monate her seit der Bestellung), Antwort auf meine letzte email (s. Blog mit dem entspr. Namen)...
Posted by Kosmas on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 02:36:00 PST

Pre-Frightfest (London)

I am back in Stuttgart, but I feel an urge to write about my visit to the United Kingdom ... London in particular (and mostly the Frightfest specifically). It was my first time there and I had a wonde...
Posted by Kosmas on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 04:32:00 PST

Scratch that

It's hard coming up with a good subject/summary line and this time I wasn't sure how far I wanted to go with it ... one (of many) alternate title was: "can I have that leg" .... When you're ...
Posted by Kosmas on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 03:40:00 PST

London calling (here I come)

Ok so don't leave London yet! I won't be in London until 20th August (although I'll arrive very early, 7 am or something), so you can stay in London til the 19th August! No sweat and especially worrie...
Posted by Kosmas on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 10:02:00 PST

Myspace Intervention (funny Video)

http://www.kontraband.com/videos/12287/MySpace-Int... Funny video for the myspace freak in all of us! ;o)...
Posted by Kosmas on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 04:38:00 PST

1st leg EURO 2008 (Illuminati anyone?)

Ok, I won't even argue about the way the Greek team played and I don't want to talk about the media coverage, what I want to to talk/write about is the fact(s) of the first games that have been played...
Posted by Kosmas on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 03:01:00 PST

Ein Service der Extra-Klasse! (german)

Ein Bekannter sagte mal, dass Service sehr klein geschrieben wird in D ... spätestens nach dieser Geschichte (Namen des Ladens kann ich glaube ich aus Rechtsgründen nicht nennen) stimme ich ihm vollko...
Posted by Kosmas on Tue, 27 May 2008 01:18:00 PST

My Bunnies having "sexy time"

If there was only one cool thing about Borat (you have to decide for yourself if it is/was worth a watch), then the quotes such as "sexy time" are the winner!But back to topic:As some might know, I do...
Posted by Kosmas on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:39:00 PST

Berlin - Let the Games/Festival begin (2008)

Like I said, in the last blog, I had to get up early on the first day of the Festival to get tickets. The premiere for "Shine a Light" at the Berlinale Palace(Palast) was only for invited guests, so I...
Posted by Kosmas on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 05:02:00 PST

Berlin - Before the Film Festival (2008)

What I haven't written in my about me section yet, is that I'm a filmmaker. The thing is, that up to now, I have done a few short films (and helped in the production department on a few commercials), ...
Posted by Kosmas on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:12:00 PST