I love modeling and doing photoshoots, other than that I work alot and hang out with my friends.I am available for modeling work, events, shows, guest bartending and parties. For booking information please email me here or at [email protected] for checking me out!
World Visitor Map
I am Featured on these web sites:HINcity.comModified.comCarbon8mag.comMy350z.comCoordin ateXY.comPixacom.comBikiniFlirt.comMakesAndModelstalent.comP aidModels.comBabes.netYourWhip.comMissMyspaceUsa.comThatsHot Magazine.comCarbonacess.comNutekspeed.comWeSelectModels.com
Also featured:Gulf And Main (cover shoot)Harley Davidson North America (ad campaign and national commercial)Patriot Girls Calender 08
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