I am what I am.
In having Faith in the Beauty and Power within me,
I develop Trust.
In Softness, I have Strength.
In Silence, I walk with the Gods.
In Peace, I understand myself and the World.
In Conflict, I walk away.
In Detachment, I am Free.
In Respecting all living things, I respect myself.
In Dedication, I honor the Courage within me.
In Eternity, I have Compassion for the Nature of all things.
In Love, I unconditionally accept the Evolution of others.
In Freedom, I have Power.
In my individuality, I express the
God-Force within me.
In Service, I give what I have become. I am what I am.
Eternal, Immortal, Universal and Infinite.
And So be it !
Are we asleep? Is it possible we are in a deep sleep at this moment living life as a dream? are we able to wake up? Becoming aware in our dreams is the door to the unimaginable. It's inevitable for those who persist to be awake in life will eventually wake up in their dreams. Slowly the dreamer waking up, to new realms, a higher level of consciousness, a whole different template that we think. But we must be persistent, we must try to be awaken and love it more then anything we ever loved. It has to be our main passion. Our main focus, not so we can learn the language but to be the language, and not just stay and be amazed, but wanting truth. Not just to be in it, but be part of it. No longer I sleep, no longer I choose to simply fall a sleep so I can wake up to another day with more questions then answers. I won’t quit. Night after night. The battle is tough, my body is tired, wants to sleep, I can’t keep my eyes open. But I must stay aware. I must record. What was that feeling. What was that. I felt so close to my environment, as if was me who created those dreams. It felt so more passionate then world I know. How can that be. Which one is my reality. Which one do I want more. How can we ever not choose to be the program its self. We begin to choose to live life on our own terms. If I can create my dreams, I can create life. Love of self grows more. Are we still sleep, very much. But look not everybody wants to wake up. Where are the masters? There are none. We must be the Masters. We must be the change. We never want to be the voices in our head, we must want to be the person who is listening to them. To be what has always watched. Only then I will be awake. Once awake, never fear death again. How can we ever fear when we know where we going. It’s impossible. Maybe we are meant to wake up in midst of this life. Maybe waking up in our dream and becoming aware, is the same as waking up in life and becoming conscious of it. 11:11
Soon after his enlightenment, the Buddha passed a man on the road who was struck by the Buddha's extraordinary radiance and the peacefulness of his presence. The man stopped and asked,
"My friend, what are you? Are you a celestial being or a god?"
The Buddha replied, "No, I am not."
Are you then a magician or a wizard, or some kind of very special man? Each time the Buddha replied,
"No, I am not."
"Well, my friend, what then are you?"
The Buddha replied, "I am awake".
"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be." ~ Patanjali
"To break free is to go beyond into the unknown that is speculative, conjecture, uncertain. And out there, entity, you have all the freedom to take for the first time in your existence your own God-given brilliance that you certainly are and apply it in a way that you deliver yourself from the enslavement of someone else's ideals and create your own." -Ramtha
"In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth" ~~Mahatma Gandhi
"When you realize that what is unknown equates manifesting God, you will never be confused again; you will only want more. That is when the fire becomes unquenchable. That is when becoming becomes a very rapid movement, and many lives take place in one lifetime." -Ramtha
Reality Is Something You Rise Above
You don't have to be a puppet
manipulated by outside powerful forces;
you can become the powerful force yourself.
Don't make your thoughts your prison.
The obstacles you face are mental
which can be broken by adopting a more positive approach.
Don't pray for tasks equal to your powers.
Pray for powers equal to your tasks.
You are bigger then anything that
can happen to you.
This is where you will win the battle, in the playhouse of your mind.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.
Courage is the capacity to
confront what can be imagined.
You are more important than your problems.
“Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth.â€
"In an exuberant state of joy, you are at peace with everything about you. When you are in joy with life, you cannot feel remorseful or insecure, fearful, angry, or lacking. In a state of joy, you are fulfilled and complete, and life, wisdom, and creativity flow like a mighty river from within your being. In a state of joy, you are inspired to the heights of greatness and the depths of feeling." -Ramtha
"Imagination is more important then knowledge" -Albert Einstein
we ponder and what we think about sets the course of our life. Any day we wish;
we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish, we can open the
book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish, we can start a
new activity. Any day we wish, we can start the process of life change. We can
do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year.
"We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if the idea of
having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We
can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth,
and doubt over confidence. The choices are ours to make. But while we curse the
effect, we continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed, "The
fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves." We created our circumstances by
our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better
choices beginning today."
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high;
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit -
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems afar.
So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.
One of the greatest military
commanders of all times, Napolean Bonaparte, spoke of Jesus of Nazareth in these
“Between him and every other person in the world there is
no possible term of comparison. Alexander the Great, Caesar, Charlemagne,
and I, myself, have all founded empires. But on what did we rest the creation of
our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love, and at
this hour, eighteen centuries later, millions of people would still die for him."
Apparently this is what Napoleon said in his exile on St. Helena. And
then you go on to quote Dr. James Allen Francis, eighty years ago:
“All the armies that
ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever
sat, all the kings that ever reigned put together, have not affected the life of
the human race as powerfully as this one man.â€
Desire Is the Fire of Life
The key that insures your success
in any endeavor, is desire.
If you are willing to pay the price,
even your circumstances will change.
If you want something badly enough,
you are sure to get it.
Reality forms around the
commitments you make.
Your desires will in time externalize themselves into concrete facts.
Obstacles don't matter very
Pain or other circumstances can be there.
But if you want to do something bad enough,
you'll find a way to get it done.
You only have to love a thing greatly to get it
"God must be greater than the greatest of human weaknesses and, indeed, the greatest of human skill. God must even transcend our most remarkable-to emulate nature in its absolute splendor. How can any man or woman sin against such greatness of mind? How can one little carbon unit on Earth-in the backwaters of the Milky Way, the boondocks-betray God almighty? That is impossible. The height of arrogance is the height of control of those who create God in their own image."-Ramtha
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