Hannah~Kery's mummy x profile picture

Hannah~Kery's mummy x

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi guys my names Hannah and im 31 years old. I live in Banbury Oxfordshire and have done for the past 7 years, previous to that i was born and bred in London. I used to work for Disney but was made redundant at the end of February, im still working for Tesco where i have been for nearly 3 years as a checkout chick/runner and general dogsbody! Im have finally become a mummy at long last, Kerys Alanna was born on the 28th February 2008, and is my little angel. I would love to chat to old friends and new ones are always welcome too.

Massive Myspace Layouts collection from Pyzam.com

My Interests

My baby girl :0)Different music interests me, im always willing to listen to new stuff, i love myspace and cant believe ive never got into it before......my life had been missing so much!

I'd like to meet:

Paul Walker(the fast and the furious and eight below) he has a body to die for! All of A-HA again, i saw them all in late 2005 and early 2006 and it was surreal!(thanks big sis!)Ive finally met the CRAINE boys at long last in Sheffield! it was an amazin few days. Thank you boys for making me and Debs feel so welcome. And i would love to see some of the guys from the bands from my teen days just to see how everyone is doing.(just being nosey really)And id love to see my Dad and Grandad again, just to tell them i love them.


I love all the early 90's music like Let Loose, East 17, Slamm, 2wo third3, Best Shot and most of the other boybands around at that time. I love A-ha and have done from the very beginning, i went to see them in 2005 in the front row at 2 of their concerts and i felt like a teenager again. Now im into Coldplay, Snow Patrol, Keane,Kaiser Chiefs and i love my dancy music too when im out clubbing.....basically anything that is easy to listen too. And thanks to my Dad im loving Pink Floyd. And also thanks to Lee-4thchild who is an amazing talented artist himself, i have come across 2 amazing talented artists....Loverush uk! and Standard Model...check out their myspaces for more details.CRAINE are an amazin band who are gonna be the next big thing watch this space! Ive been to see them three times now and they were amazing and i cant wait for the next gig! Feetgazer are a fantastic band too, and their first performance was out of this world,the second one was even better! and the third....well what can i say....brilliant! and the fourth and last was brill too!


Anything with Paul Walker! That man has one lovely body! All of the Pirates of the Carribean films, Jack sparrow is just gorgeous!


Im loving Grey's Anatomy what a fab series! Season 3 is just as good as the first 2. Im loving Heroes at the moment too, im not really into those kind of programs but i like it so much that im even switching over and watching next weeks aswell! And im gutted that season 1 has finished already and i cant wait for season 2 to start next year!! 24th April cannot come sooner!!!


Baby books woohoo!


My baby girl~Kerys. My dad and my grandad....miss u loads, until we meet again.

My Blog

My lil angel loves 4th Child’s music(and so does her mummy!!) ;0)

My lil angel loves 4th Child, His music is a godsend it settles her straightaway, she can be in the misdt of a crying moment i just have to put his music on and she stops crying.....magic!!  And ...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:57:00 PST

My baby girl..............

I cant get over the amount of love i have for someone so little. She has made such a huge impact on my life in the short time shes been here and i cant imagine life without her in it. I spend my days ...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:25:00 PST

Bubs just aint ready to come out.

Well peeps i went for my scan today today to find out the size of bubs and to see if they are gonna let me go on any further. Things didnt quite work out the way i wanted them to, hence why im feeling...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:44:00 PST

How excited am i!!!! Morten Harket, Magne F & Savoy here we come!!

Im so happy i could almost burst!!! I got an email through from the A-ha website to say that the 3 members from A-ha-Morten Harket, Magne F and Paul Waktaar aka Savoy are doing a gig with their own ba...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:30:00 PST

Am i normal? :0)

Am i normal in the fact that the impending birth of 1st Child is just around the corner and im not in the slightest bit scared? Not even the thought of the pain or how long the labour will b...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:33:00 PST

Merry Christmas Dad missing u always

Dad, Its been 16 months since you left this world and not a day has gone by that i dont think about you. I miss you more and more as each day goes by and this time of year is always the hard...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 11:44:00 PST

Lee @ Popshow~Soho Revue Bar 27/10/07

Well what a day i had yesterday, i went to see Lee 4th Child at the Popshow party @ the Soho Revue Bar in London, Lee came on 3rd and did an amazing 2 song set which included Pulling at my heartstring...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 08:56:00 PST

Pink Floyd’s The Wall

No wonder they took drugs in those days! Pink Floyd~The Wall!!!! Im sitting here watching a film called Pink Floyd's The Wall and im not surprised they took drugs back in them days i think i need some...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 03:50:00 PST

What a fookin evening this is gonna be.......

Other half has a friend round here at the moment and i cant stand the fucking twat, who thinks little women should be seen and not heard and that their place is in the home.............so here i am re...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 10:46:00 PST

Damn u bloody hormones :-(

As much as this pregnancy is sooooo wanted i never realised how powerful these hormones could be.........for the 2nd day this week i have done nothing but cry for no apparant reason, and we are only i...
Posted by Hannah~Kery's mummy x on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:30:00 PST