Amy Lee's Stunt Double profile picture

Amy Lee's Stunt Double

No honey, that's not Mommy on the television...

About Me

I am a college graduate, former paralegal/legal assistant, one lucky wife and Mom of two wonderful kiddos. My time is mostly spent on child care and running a tight ship at home. Recently, time has allowed for me to get involved more in the way of advocacy for special education, medical care for my son, and autism.

My Interests

Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Special Education, child advocacy. Other interests include cooking, gardening, music and writing.

I'd like to meet:

The people currently living whom I find fascinating and would like to meet are Oprah Winfrey, Pink, and Hayden Christensen. They keep it real, despite the pressures put upon them because of fame and the responsibilities they have taken on.Those who are deceased but if it could be arranged, I'd like to meet: Jesus, John Paul II, and Princess Diana. They also kept true to themselves; the only problem is that others gave them a hard time for it.


Anything with a strong, sultry beat and/or tells a story.


Star Wars, comedies, good action films, romantic comedy, psychological thrillers.


Lost, comedy, funniest videos


Anything on becoming a better person, autism, and Catholicism/Christianity.


Anyone who doesn't let the world dictate what they should do or how they should do it.

My Blog

Rest in Peace Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) t I never read a page of his work. Ten years ago I had the simple pleasure of sitting two tables from him in my university's smoking lounge....
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 10:25:00 PST

Random Musings

I saw The Last Mimzy over the weekend.  In the movie, Mimzy was a stuffed toy rabbit.  In one part of the movie, the little girl started telling people that "Mimzy is sick!"  Well, my d...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 01:42:00 PST

Neologisms (reposted)

A relative forwarded this to me this morning.  It is because of these fine people that I'm proud of knowing where I get the appreciation for all things sarcastic and lowbrow. Without further...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 07:25:00 PST

Apparently I Don't Need A Life

I had been looking forward to today for a couple of months now.  It was an all-day seminar on Positive Behavior Support.  This was part of a massive teacher in-service day at a local junior/...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 04:10:00 PST

Interview with Amy Lee's Stunt Double!

The following is a friendly interview of myself, done by Teacher with A 'Tude.  This is one of those voluntary "tag, you're it" kind of things.  If you want me to interview you, just send me...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 07:07:00 PST

Channeling Dan

A good man was laid to rest a week ago Thursday.  His name was Dan.  He was a husband, father of four, a damn good attorney, community leader, and all-around solid guy.  He was my ...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 06:11:00 PST

Hey, Mrs. DJ....

I've been meaning to post my experience as Co-Host of the Top 8 at 8 on WMOM.  Let me say that I would do it again in a heartbeat!  Not only did I not make an ass out of myself on the air, b...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 07:57:00 PST


I've been having a lot of dreams about the law firm I worked at over five years ago.  When I mean "a lot", I don't just mean once every month.....I mean that I'm dreaming of BCMA several tim...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 12:50:00 PST

Chicken Soup for the Soul

The following story was submitted for consideration for the next in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series geared toward the special needs community.  As this is an original work, I suppose there s...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 06:06:00 PST

Truffles! (picture added)

As promised to some of you folks out there, I'm posting the recipe I use for making my Holiday Truffles.  It is pretty easy, especially if you happen to have a stove with a personality disorder.&...
Posted by Amy Lee's Stunt Double on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 06:30:00 PST