Evo Terra profile picture

Evo Terra

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

NOTE: While MySpace may be a cool SNS for many, it's not where I spend a lot of my time. Feel free to contact me, friend me, message me... or any other thing that the powers that be here come up with. But understand that it is NOT the fastest or bestest way to contact me. It may be weeks or months before I get to your message. Just sayin...
Evo is the poster child for Type A personalities the world over. Washed-up musician , tree-hugging herbalist , heretical-but-ordained minister, talk-radio & podcaster personality, advertising executive and technology innovator; all wrapped up in one single-serving package. In the podcasting world, Evo tends to infect others with the podcasting bug, from budding show hosts to the people behind the scenes finding new uses for podcast technologies.
His first podcast was available on October 14, 2004, though many listeners to his program had been downloading .mp3 files directly from his website since 2002. In November 2005, Podcasting for Dummies was released to the masses, penned by Evo and Tee Morris.
In early 2006, Evo and his partner Michael R. Mennenga formed FarPoint Media , an "incubator" of sorts to develop and distribute original media productions. FarPoint Media acts as the parent company to not only Evo's three podcasts (including the award-winning Slice of Scifi which is carried on XM Satellite radio), but a variety of other podcats. Evo left Farpoint in June of 2007.
Evo's latest and perhaps most ambitious project is Podiobooks.com , an online "library" of freely available books released in serialized podcast form. Podiobooks.com is a fresh look at the technolgy behind podcasting, showcasing how the underlying principles can be modified to meet specific needs of emerging marketplaces.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Honestly... I have no burning desire to meet people. My wife says I'd never leave the house if it wasn't for her...

My Blog

Putting MySpace on the back burner

The trend is to remove MySpace profiles. I see the emotional appeal in that. But I'm not going to. Instead, I'll leave this as a place holder and a way for those the prefer it to contact me. Sorta lik...
Posted by Evo Terra on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:01:00 PST

Testing phone uploads

Cuz really, who wants to work after 4:00? Evo Terra Podiobooks.com ...
Posted by Evo Terra on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 03:41:00 PST

Evo departs from FarPoint Media

Yep, it's official. I've severed ties with Farpoint Media, a family of podcasts that I helped to create with Summer Brooks and Michael R. Mennenga.That means that I'm no longer hosting any shows, incl...
Posted by Evo Terra on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 08:28:00 PST

Quick update

Oh, that's right. I have a Myspace page! Well, maybe it's time I started using this thing for something. With all the work I've been doing at Fun Anymore and the myriad of Web 2.0 applications I've be...
Posted by Evo Terra on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 05:57:00 PST

Keep up with me on Twitter

Well... we've seen how often I come here, right? I'll keep the profile and all, occasionally coming over to process friend requests and view comments, but I doubt I'll post any more frequently.To keep...
Posted by Evo Terra on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:30:00 PST

Too damned busy to get back here often

I've been noticing lots of friend requests and other notices from MySpace for the past... unit of time. Decided to finally take a moment to log in and reply to a both.CRAP!I hadn't been here since Nov...
Posted by Evo Terra on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:45:00 PST

All titles seem trivial right now

I struggled with where to post this and even whether or not I should post it. But maybe I'll feel better after I write it down and get it outside of me.The world just got a little bit darker, as one o...
Posted by Evo Terra on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:56:00 PST

On me

As of this posting, there are 55.7 million listings on Google for the word "Evo". I'm number 7. The president of Bolivia is number 2. The rest of those above me are about a car by Mitsubishi. There ar...
Posted by Evo Terra on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 04:33:00 PST

On quick passings

I guess I'm lucky that my family tends to checkout when the old ticker finally calls it good. And I'm even more lucky that most folks in the clan live into their 80's before giving up the goat.This ye...
Posted by Evo Terra on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:11:00 PST

George Hrab is brillant

Warning - He has been drinkingI dropped the kid off at hockey tonight and decided to stop by the pub to have a beer. It's been a crappy end of my day and FUCKING QWORST isn't helping. But that's fine....
Posted by Evo Terra on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 08:32:00 PST