Kiss me now;; Kill me later. profile picture

Kiss me now;; Kill me later.

You will cut the ties that bind me.. and then I'll be gone.

About Me

There existed The Nameless One.
Self-engendered,Shapeless, Formless, & Nameless.
It existed in a time before time, a place before space was created. If order did not exist then neither did disorder. If heat did not exist then neither did an abscence of heat. But somthing colder. If light did not exist, then darkness did not exist either, But somthing darker. this place colder then the abscence of heat and darker then darkness. The Nameless One cried...and cried..for The Nameless One was The Only One and was truely alone. For there was Nothing.
And in It's lonliness.
In it's sadness.
It slowly turned to madness.
Into a strange form of Mania.
In which It took It's own life.
The True Perfect Sacrifice.
Which became the First Act Of Love.
Thus became The God and Goddess.
The God with the creative potential who filled the Goddess with his seed. And She who gave limit and form to the creations and slowly all things Became. They together seperated time into Quaters and Seasons. They together seperated Light and Darkness. Till all was seperated yet had it's partner. For one could not exist without the other.
Thus is the secret of the Great Rite. For in Love and in Sexual Union. Dwells The Creator. The Nameless One.
Thus The Creator is Love. Our Spirit is Love. And all is full of Love.
"I know I'm the shit,
My chain hang down to mah dick."
Okay guys,
No, I can't always message you back the day you message me,
but I'll try my best, and I'll always reply to your messages asap. I won't always add you right away either because I like to message everyone as I add them. So yeah.
And right now I don't have access to the internet but I'll still reply asap and get online as much as possible, but I'll still message you back everytime you message me so keep messaging me! :]
And this guy is pretty cool so while you're waiting for me to reply to your add requests or messages, check out his music and see what you think. :]
(Anyone else who wants their banners on here let me know..) ... Hmmm... Okay, so.. now you can learn a little about me. I have three myspace profiles. I add anyone and everyone on this profile, hence the reason it says "myspace whore" I don't really have a goal for this profile, except to have as many friends as possible. I've heard a lot about people getting deleted at 4 thousand, so.. I'm gonna make sure there's nothing on here to get my profile deleted once I get close to 4 thousand. Anyway Yes, I have a boyfriend. And, hell yes, I'm in love with him. :] Mein bester fruend ist meine hund, Bandit. :] My favorite language is German. My second favorite language is Spanish. I've yet to learn to fulently(sp) speak any language but english. ((I'm learning spanish&&german))

My Interests

" I c a n ' t r e m e m b e r w h a t h a p p e n e d l a s t n i g h t , A l l I c a n r e m e m b e r . . i s a s o n g . . t h a t g o e s l i k e t h i s . . "...

I'd like to meet:



Whore me! ((Later I'll make a better whore me code but for now this works. :] )) Thanks!...


Hey everybody! I just created a map of my friends on myspace. Go add yourself! The picture below shows all the people who already have. Click the "Add Yourself" button to put yourself on there! Around The world.. - Create your own map. Click here!


Falalala.. la, la, la, la. :] ...


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img src="http://xss.xss/xss.jpg" x='


[ - *Glitter Maker*]

My Blog

Mary Jane helps produce new brain cells.. read it.<33

An oft-mentioned danger of marijuana smokingso widely believed, the smokers themselves point it out all the timeis that it supposedly kills brain cells.Courtesy the National Drug Intelligence Center, ...
Posted by Kiss me now;; Kill me later. on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 11:41:00 PST


some cute icons you can steal. :]>> ...
Posted by Kiss me now;; Kill me later. on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 03:37:00 PST


so how does it happen? great love.nobody knows. but what i can tell youis that it happens in a blink of an moment you're enjoying your life, & the next you're wondering how you ever lived...
Posted by Kiss me now;; Kill me later. on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 04:28:00 PST