DaRedHed profile picture


About Me

-For Slim: Upon moving to the South, I learned that "Y'all" is often singular, and "All Y'all" is plural.

My Interests

I like everything except maybe monster truck rallies and swine calling contests. Oh yeah, liver with onions and preserved duck eggs are pretty gross too. I mostly like espresso, dark chocolate, lipstick, red beans and rice, going to hockey and baseball games, roller derby, soccer, movies, books, diving, weight training, skydiving lately, swimming, running, walking, boating, snow sledding, snowball fights, good restaurants, the company of friends, monkeys, frogs (da ribbits!), flowers, traveling, art museums, going to the beach, building stained glass windows when I can find the time and place.


Although I like most genres of music, I am not particularly fond of country/western. It reminds me of the sounds that barnyard animals make. Anyway, I suppose my favorites are classical, blues, all types of rock, alternative, jazz, and R&B. As far as composers, bands and musicians, Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, my fine friend Andre Rouveau, Metallica, Bush, Ozzy Ozbourn, Offspring, The Talking Heads, Amy Winehouse, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Allman Brothers, BB King, Etta James, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Luciano Pavaroti, Placido Domingo, Frank Sinatra, Stone Temple Pilots, Gladys Knight, The Staples Singers, 50 Cent, Ray Charles, and Creedence Clearwater Revival come to mind at the moment.


I like a lot of spy/espionage suspense type stuff and comedies. I've seen a lot of movies that I liked, but cannot remember the names of. Here are some of the one's that I can remember: Amelie, The Italian Job, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Monty Python Movies, A Fish Called Wanda, As Good As It Gets, Shawn of the Dead, The Manchurian Candidate, Training Day, The Bourne Identity, Blazing Saddles, The Fifth Element, Life, Catch Me if You Can. That's all I can think of right now.


I do not have television, but I like 'House', MLB games, Futurama, Mr. Bean, and old Loony Toons and Pinky and the Brain cartoons.


Among others, I like Laurie Notaro (Notardo to her friends), David Sedaris, Dorothy Parker, Tim Dorsey, Janet Evanovich, John Grisham, Kurt Vonnegut, Carl Hiassen, Don Marquis, Miguel Cervantes, Curious George and pop-up books.


The 74 yr. old lady who singlehandedly fought off the Montgomery County SWAT team.

My Blog

New Game

Here's a new game designed for my amusement.  The game is this:  In the comment section of this blog, each person should post a short story detailing the circumstances leading up to the existence of t...
Posted by DaRedHed on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 06:59:00 PST

My freak magnet is firmly in place.

So by now y'all are familiar with the site Classmates.com, yes?  A few years ago, I posted my general info on this site, then forgot about it. I have a junkmail account.  This account i...
Posted by DaRedHed on Thu, 03 May 2007 05:50:00 PST

A nod to Sir Mix A Lot

Lately I have been looking into the possibly of getting a Boston Terrier. Right now, I am just perusing the ads, looking for one that is the right price, gender,location, etc. On a whim, I decide...
Posted by DaRedHed on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:19:00 PST

Half-assed Handyman

I have a house that I rent out about an hour and a half from where I currently live.  The most recent tenant called a few weeks ago to inform me that they would have to terminate their lease earl...
Posted by DaRedHed on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 01:12:00 PST

And what did you do today?

Just got back from getting my hair worked on. After a while I get tired of  looking like I comb my hair with an eggbeater. So anyway, I went to visit Crackhead Carl, my hairdresser. It is always ...
Posted by DaRedHed on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:44:00 PST

Fun for the entire family

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!Here is how you matched up against all the levels:LevelScorehttp://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno- information.html#0" style=...
Posted by DaRedHed on Mon, 29 May 2006 11:36:00 PST

Killing Time

A friend from Ohio called me to let me know that he was at one of the Air Force bases in a nearby town, on duty as a reserve for the next few days.  It was arranged that I would go visit him.&nbs...
Posted by DaRedHed on Wed, 24 May 2006 08:52:00 PST