dave profile picture


Tragedy = Comedy + Time

About Me

As an 18 year old, I'm pretty naive. Sex is important of course, but with my parents living upstairs, I want to only make love to that 'special one'. Breast augmentation is a very personal and precious procedure that I will do but four or five times in my life. I'm also spiritual. Sometimes I look at Jesus or the Virgin Mary or Vishnu and wonder what they would look like with a strong makeover. Maybe if Muhammed spent a couple weeks in the gym he wouldn't mind being visually represented, peace be upon him, if ya know what I mean.

My Interests

Improvisation, woodworking, walking long and fast (but not that race-walking crap).

I'd like to meet:

People who drive the following cars: Trans Ams, Dodge Darts, Chevy Vegas, Plymouth Furys, Ford Fairlanes, Buicks.Anyone who has just been brandishing a weapon, then breaks down emotionally, I would like to take your weapon and hug you.Anyone who has masked their insecurities with a tough exterior all their life, and nows the time they show that vulnerable side; I'm here for hugging.


I like a lot of different music but especially that guy with the hat that sings about different things.


Manos, the Hands of Fate.Gamera vs Guiron.Teen-Age Strangler.Shawshank Redemption.Badlands.Waiting For Guffman.Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park.Glengarry Glen Ross.Double Indemnity.Once Upon A Time In The West.Skidoo.Freaks.Robot Monster.The Natural.Grey Gardens.The Conqueror.Night Train To Mundo Fine.Plan 9 From Outer Space.The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser.


I love flawed heroes. Like US Grant. People who fail, have great achievements, fail again, and keep moving forward.

My Blog

Now is the time for all people of conscience to stand up.

Paris Hilton is about to go to jail. If you aren't sufficiently shocked and outraged by that, stand up and punch yourself in the genitals. Now do you get how important this is? Great. Go ahead and ...
Posted by dave on Wed, 09 May 2007 10:55:00 PST

God is Angry

First off, this is no April Fool's joke.As you know, it's been raining for something like 1243 days straight. This is approximately how long it's been since I got any. I'm not claiming to be God, bu...
Posted by dave on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 03:04:00 PST