Music, REAL MUSIC! beauty, truth, the people i love, nothing else matters more then the short time on this earth and who we share it with.
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I love an artist that talks about the politics of life and death, and what the hell is going on right now. Addressing issues in a less confrontational, but contraversial way.. but can manage simutaniously, not gettin taken out by the Haters. Someone with a brain, also intelligent enough to know what the issues reaally are and always have been, since the beginning of violence and power struggles, (Like one of my favs, Ice-Cube). Man, me Bob Marley would've had conversation for your ass!!!!That is a definite! You dont know.., then you gotta get his "Talking Blues" CD. Pink Floyd, is another brick in my foundation built towards the heavens: music helps the troubled soul.ya have to hear it tho, not just listen.
Evil Roy Slade, Centennial BY JAMES A MICHENER Pink Floyd the Wall, Ghandi with Ben Kingsley, The Crow w/ Brandon li, Amadeus, Little Buddha w/Keanu Reeves, Scarface, Little Big Man, I will Fight No More Forever,Ishi: the last of his tribe, Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, American Me, Dont be a Menace while drinking your OJ in the hood, Half Baked, The Outsiders, Beaches, Dead Presidents, Full Metal Jacket, A Few Good Men, The Rock, Apocalypse Now, Evil Dead 2, Airplane, Naked Gun, Scary Movie all of them, Dances with wolves, Billy Jack, Never Cry Wolf, Adventures of Natty Gan, Wind Walker, Pow Wow Highway, Smoke Signals, Blazing Saddles, Dude wheres my car, Drunken Master, Looney tunes, E. T., Encounters of the Third kind, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Hercules..Boys n the Hood,Training day, Menace to Society, ,.... ecclectic aint it?
Today on NBC, PBS, Local news, Days of our Lives, I love oldies but goodies nothing can can compare to the writers of Get Smart, Gomer Pyle, Andy Grifith Show, I Love Lucy, Leave it to Beaver,Star Trek, Twilight Zone, Outer limits, Ray Bradbury Theater, Alfred Hitchcock, Centennial Series, Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Three's Company, Different strokes, Giligans Island, Facts of Life, Gimme a break, All in the Family, Carol Burnett Show, that was CREATIVE!! Not the same over sexed bullsit on tv today.
Centennial, by James Michener, Reggae Poet the story of Bob Marley, Lakota Woman, Harriet Tubman, Fighting for Paradise A Military History of The Pacific Northwest, Malcom X Life and Legacy, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Guide to Recovery, The Four Agreements, Mastery of Love By Don Ruiz. First Year Sobriety, Co-Dependent No More oh yeah and The AA Big Book. Mann, let me tell you about the Mastery of Love, I read in Alcohol rehab, I am going to write a blog about it!!! Read that there. An Introduction to Buddha and his teachings, Lao Tsu..Tao Te Ching, most frequently translated book since the sixth century BC. except the Bible . The Language of Dreams, Ruby Ridge, River Teeth, A lesson before dying, So far from God, The color of water, Lizzie Borden...she didnt do it!! My quest for knowledge is a precurser to anything I read...
I am My OWN HERO, my family and friends. I have many Mentors, to name a few. Anyone who comes to Mother Earth in the name of love, Jesus. Geronimo, Sitting Bull, why, they fought oppression to the bitter end. Crazy horse but they dont like to mention him in American history tee hee! Chief Joseph had the courage to lead his people against all odds to where they would have been able to simply Chief Dan George for his hope and wisdom. Malcom X, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. Gloria Macapaga know why!! I can understand the other side as well. I hope you know I empathize with authority figures, but none are higher than my Creator and the teachings I have been blessed with.