Going to powwows, concerts, the mall, record stores, book stores, comic books- mostly Marvel titles like Spider-Man, X-Men, The Punisher.
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all cool peeps of course. RAWK ON! metal is forever!
Death & Thrash Metal, some classic rawk, PowWow music-Northern Drums of course...Motown and some RnB...not too much though...LMAO.
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Fist of Legend, House of a 1000 Corpses, Pulp Fiction, From Dusk til Dawn, LOTR I, II, III, Star Wars- all six of them, Alien movies, Full Metal Jacket, The Thing (remake from 1982), Devils Rejects, Silence of the Lambs, SAW all movies, Reservior Dogs, Enter the Dragon, Hellraiser, Blazing Saddles, Half Baked, Brother Bear, Spawn the animated series, Spider-Man I & II, X-MEN I & II, and 3 (there Laura...:P haha.), King Kong original and remake by peter jackson.....
Law & Order- all series and years, CNN Headline News, Animaniacs, ESPN, Military Channel, History Channel. Oh yeah, JEOPARDY is best!
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Crow and Weasel, Hear Me My Chiefs!, Yellow Wolf-His Own Story. Any book by Paul Goble.
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My 3 younger Bros who are gone....and my Mom...miss them all very much...
My Nez Perce ancestors who fought in the war of 1877 so hard to keep the land...and the soldiers of the 10th MTN DIV & marines of the 1st MAR DIV I've been to war with as well.