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Joey Zasa©

That is my nature!

About Me

"I say to all of you, I have been treated this day, with no respect. I've earned you all money. I've made you rich, and I asked for little. Good. You will not give, I'll take! As for Don, Corleone, well he makes it, very clear to me today, that he is my enemy. You must choose between us."My name is Joey Zasa, I run the old Brooklyn turf, it used to belong to Michael Corleone but the commission granted me it and he approved so I took over.

My Interests

You in the press and the police use words like "Mafia", "Cosa Nostra". This is a fantasy. We Italian-Americans laid the bricks that built this city. We have Meucci, who invented the telephone. We have Don Ameche, who played the guy who invented it. Buy yourself a raffle ticket, maybe you'll win a Cadillac.
"Yes it's true, if someone were to say such a thing they would not be a friend, they would be a dog."
My interests DO NOT conflict with Michael Corleone in fact he even said "My interests do not conflict with those of Mr Joey Zasa" which was really good to know.

I'd like to meet:

The Pope - I want a pin from the Pope.
click the picture to JOIN 'THE CORLEONE FAMILY'


The Godfather Trilogy


Don Altobello.
Maiucci - the Italian-American who invented the telephone, ONE YEAR before Alexander Graham Bell.
Shakespeare - He wrote good poems about bastards.