Freemasonry, Enlightenment, Science, Religions, History, Literature, Symbolism, Remote Viewing, Pan, Psychic Functioning, Tarot, Psychology, Philosophy, Astronomy, Music, SEX, Love, Health, Politics, pissing off uptight zombie religious zealots, I am interested in everything "forbidden" or "taboo" and deciding for myself what I should or should not experinece.
The son of a bitch who invented internet spam and kick him right in the balls!!!My penis is big enough thank you very much!
Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerrard, The Cult, Legendary Pink Dots, The Sneaker Pimps, Tool, Smashing Pumkins
Explains Religions
Tribe Defends Its Land Against Big Oil
The reason ayahuasca has
been banned by the UN is because the UN has become a tool of the very
multinational oil corporations that are threatening the indigenious
peoples of the environment they are destroying. The oil capos are the
enemies of a culture dependent on the Amazon for their very existence.
How best to demonize them and create criminals of them than by making
the very core of their religious belief system, ayahuasca, illegal?
This same tactic was used in the US when marajuana was made illegal,
which effectively marginalized and criminalized a largely undesired (by
the ethnic majorities and capitol venturist)population of mexicans and
other majorites.
With Atheism
Rod Liddle argues against those who turn to atheism for a rational and
moderate approach to today's problems, and says that atheism has high
priests and dogmatic beliefs, just like fundamentalist religion.
The problem is that Darwin can only explain how novelty evolves not
where it originates from!
of God
Astrotheology. Note that the sun when it rises in the constellation
Virgo is said to have been born of the Virgin.
Donahue Remote Viewing VERY ACCURATE
Aaron Donahue remote views on "In Search Of"
I have had the great priveledge and honor of calling Aaron C Donahue my
greatest friend and brother. Aaron is so much more than a remote
viewer. He has transcended and has rendered remote viewing obsolete.
Frankly he the most spiritual man in the world today. Our weekly shows
are known to create dramatic effects on the world around us as Aaron
diligently works to manipulate the collective for the highest good of
all people, in the spirit of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. His words of wisdom
and spiritual insight is a blessing to all who listen. I welcome
everyone to join us every Sunday night at 10pm Eastern Standard time to
experience the greatest Spiritual Movement in the world today. The show
has been known to change people's lives for the better, helping our
listeners to realize the GOD within and become a dynamic loving force
in their own lives and the lives of those around them. Many listeners
not only feel the divine loving spiritual force that is the VOL show,
they often experience amazing healing effects from resonating with
Aaron's loving spirit and are healed both mentally, spiritually and
Listen to Aaron's message each Sunday night and watch as the collective
changes in positive ways as we work to create a world free of
ignorance, hate, and violence.
Leave your belief system at the door.
Goto to learn more.
Icke - Analysis of Christianity
A clip taken from a lecture at Mt. Shasta.
Mencia Goes Off On A Fat Dude
Carlos Mencia on FAT anger. Audio level is very low so you may have to
turn your volume way up to hear it.
24/7 Cable News, Educational Channels, Jerry Springer
Liber Al Vel Legis, Brave New World, The Stanger, Les Miserables, Anything written by Bertrand Russell, Diary of a Drug Fiend, Voltaire, Candite, War and Peace, Crime and Punishment
Aaron C Donahue