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.. You scored as Judge. You are a Judge Empath, one who is a "truthsayer". You can tell truth from lies, good from evil. You do not tolerate wrong doing. You are a defender of the good and the innocent. You are kind and merciful but do not play foolish games. (from "The Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander)









Fallen Angel







What Kind of Empath Are You?
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Your Birthdate: January 7
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.
And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.
Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.
You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!
Your strength: Your self sufficiency
Your weakness: You despise authority
Your power color: Maroon
Your power symbol: Hammer
Your power month: July What Does Your Birth Date Mean? Gods of war I call You. My sword is by my side. I seek a life of honor, free from all false pride. I will crack the whip with a bold mighty hail. Cover me with death if I should ever fail.Glory, Majesty, Unity Hail, Hail, Hail
You scored as Garm. Garm - a wolf hound who will kill and be killed by the god of war at ragnarok.
















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My Interests

mythology, music, languages and love playing pc games such as: postal 2, call of duty, medal of honor, syberia, brothers in arms.

I'd like to meet:

people that share the same passion that i have for heavy metal.

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HEAVY METAL ALL THE WAY (my cd, lp and tape collection) 13 Winters, Accept, AC/DC, Acid, Act Of God, After Forever, Age Of Storm, Aglarond, Agony(swe), Ahriman, Aisling, Akela, Akin, Alfa Eridano Akhernar, Albazagorath, Almora, Amaran, Am I Blood, Amon Amarth, Amorphis, Ancestral Volkhves, Ancient Rites, Andra, Andras, Anthem(jap), Anthemon, Anthrax, Antidote, Apocrypha, Arafel, Arch Enemy, Arkona, Armageddon, Armored Saint, Ashes To Ashes, Asmegin, Atoll Nerat, At The Gates, Aurora, Autumn(rus), Bathory, Battlelore, Battlesword, Beautiful Sin, Belenos, Belladonna, Black Abyss, Black Leaves, Black Messiah, Black Sabbath, Black Widows, Blacklace, Blinded By Faith, Bonfire, Brainstorm, Burial Place, Butterfly Temple, Cacophony, Cadacross, Cage, Calmsite, Candlemass, Carcariass, Catharsis(rus), Celestial Crown, Celtic Frost, Centinela, Centinex, Cerberus, Cernunnos, Chaosphere, Children Of Bodom, Compos Mentis, Cradle Of Filth, Crossborns, Crown Of Thorns, Cruachan, Cryogenic, Cryptic Winetrmoon, Cybele, Dagoba, Dame En Noir, Darkane, Darkfall, Dark Tranquillity, Deaf Dealer, Death Angel, Decadence, Delight, Destroy Destroy Destroy, Destruction, Dew Scented, Diamond Eyed Princess, Diamond Head, Die Saat, Dimension Zero, Dimmu Borgir, Dio, Disinter, Dive In Minds, Dorn, Doro, Double Dealer, Draconian, Dragobrath, Drain s.t.h., Drama, Dreamaker, Dreams Of Sanity, Dying Wish, Dysanchely, Earth, Ebony Tears, Edendbridge, Edge Of Sanity, Eeriness, Eidolon, Elenium, Elis, English Dogs, Enraged, Ensiferum, Enter My Silence, Entombed, Epica, Epoch Of Unlight, Essence of Existence, Eternal Mourning, Ethereal Pandemonium, Euthanasia, Evenfall, Evermork, Everwinter, Evil, Exciter, Extrovert, E.Z.O., Falchion, Falkenbach, Fall Of Man, Fangorn, Fates Warning, Fatima Hill, Feanor, Fear Factory, Fekete Sereg, Fight, Finist, Finntroll, Fjoergyn, Flatbacker, Flotsam & Jetsam, Flowing Tears, Flying, Forgotten Silence, Forgotten Tales, Frozen Tears, Furia, Gamma Ray, Gardenian, Genitorturers, Girlschool, Glittertind, Goathemy, Godless, Godsmack, Goliard, Gothica, Grave Digger, Grenover, Grimm, Grim Reaper, Groovy Aardvark, H-Bomb, Haggard, Halford, Hantaoma, Havochate, Haxema, Headhunter, Heaven, Heathen Dawn, Hellebaard, Helloween, Helstar, Hermh, Hin Onde, Holy Blood, Holy Moses, Howling Syn, Human Ground, Illnath, Incinerator, In Flames, Inner Fire, Insidius Infernus, Inrage, In Spite, In Tormentata Quiete, Ipsum, Iron Maiden, Iron Savior, Isenburg, Jag Panzer, Judas Priest, Kalapacs, Kamaedzitca, Kampfar, Kataklysm, Keep Of Kalessin, Khors, King Diamond, King's Evil, Kittie, Korpiklaani, Kotipelto, Kreator, Lacuna Coil, Latrodectus, Leaves Eyes, Left Hand Solution, Leprechaun, Liar Of Golgotha, Little Dead Bertha, Lord, Lost In Memory, Loudness, Lumsk, Luna Field, Macbeth, Madam X, Mad Max, Magane, Magica, Manatark, Mandrake, Manegarm, Manipulated Slaves, Manowar, Martyrium, Meanstreak, Meat-Grinder, Megadeth, Melancholy, Memento Mori, Memoria, Menhir, Mercyful Fate, Metal Church, Metallica, Metsatoll, Midnattsol, Midnight Scream, Midwinter, Mistweaver, Mithotyn, Mjollnir, Mononc'serge & Anonymus, Monstrocity, Moonlyght, Moonsorrow, Morgana, Morgana Lefay, Morgenstern, Morpheus, Mors Principium Est, Motorhead, Mourning Caress, Murk, Mustan Kuun Lapset, Mydgard, Mykorrhiza, Mythopoeia, Naglfar, Napalm Death, Natural Spirit, Necronomicon, Neotruth, Nerthus, Nevermore, Nightrage, Nightside, Nightwish, Nocturnal Rites, Node, Nokturnal Mortum, Nomans Land, Norther, Noumena, Nuclear Assault, Numen, Obscura Nox Sibernis, Obtest, Octavia Sperati, Olemus, Oratory, Ordalion, Overkill, Oz, Omnium Gatherum, Onslaught, Orkrist, Otep, Otyg, Ozzy Osbourne, Pagan Reign, Paganizer, Pandemonium, Pantera, Paragon, Phantom, Phantom Blue, Pipers Dawn, Pissing Razors, Possessed, Potion 13, Powergod, Pretty Miads, Primal Fear, Racer X, Radigost, Rage(ger), Rammstein, Raven(uk), Ravencult, Razor, Riot, Rivendell, Rock Goddess, Rossomahaar, Rough Cutt, Ruins, Runemagick, Runic, Saltus, Saman, Sanctimonious Order, Sapfhier, Satan's Horns, Savage, Savage Grace, Savatage, Saxon, Saxorior, Scariot, Scars Of Chaos, Sentenced, Sentinel Beast, Sepultura, Seven, Seventh Moon, Shadowlord, Shambless, Siebenburgen, Siegfried, Signs of Darkness, Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy, Sinergy, Sinner, Sirenia, Skew Siskin, Skyfire, Skyforger, Slayer, Slipknot, S.O.D., Sodom, Soilwork, Solar Dawn, Solemnus, Sonata Nocturna, Soulgrind, Spell Forest, Spetalsk, Stahlhammer, Steeler(us), Steeler(ger), Stigmata IV, Stone, Subliritum, Succubus, Suicidal Tendencies, Suidakra, Sunoi, Sunterra, Tank, Taunusheim, Te Deum, Temnozor, Temple Of The Absurd, Tension, Testament, Thalarion, Thalion, the Distillers, The Gathering, The Haunted, The Lust, Theatres Des Vampires, Theudho, Thronar, Thundra, Thyrfing, Tiwaz, Tokyo Blade, Tonka, Torch, Tristania, TT Quick, Tulus, Tvangeste, Tyr, Tyron Pace, Tysondog, U.D.O., Ufych Sormeer, Ulcus, Ulveheim, Ulvhedin, Unexpect, Unholy, Urskumug, Vale of Tears, Valhalla(bra), Vanitas, Vemoth, Venom, Vespers Descent, Vicious Crusade, Vicious Rumors, Vio-lence, Voivod, Wallachia, Walpurgisnacht, Warlock, Warrant(ger), Wild Dogs, Windir, Witchblade, Witchery, Withering Surface, Within Temptation, Without Face, Wizard, Wolf, Wolven Ancestry, Woods of Ypres, Wyrd, Znowhite, Zyklon


Resident Evil, Blade, Underworld, Band of Brothers, Land of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead (old and new), Terminator, Alien, Ultraviolet, Alien vs Predator, Predator, Metal: a headbangers journey, Harry Potter, Saw 1+2, Ice Age 1+2, Bloodrayne, Black Hawk Down, Dirty Dozens, A Bridge To Far, ect.


Drew Carey, the Simpsons, South Park, Lexx, Cleopatra 2525, History channel....


MUSIC MAGAZINES: Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles, Metallian, Terrorizer, Sounds of Death(SOD). BOOKS: Resident Evil series (by S.D. Perry), Harry Potter series (by J.K. Rowling), The Hammer And The Cross trilogy (by Harry Harrison), Conclave Of Shadows trilogy (by R.E. Feist), Sound Of The Beast (by I. Christe), The Longest Day (by C. Ryan), anything on world war 2, science fiction and fantasy.


for those who stand for themselves, don't be afraid to go forward in life.