Derrick profile picture


Only a fool quotes himself -Derrick

About Me

, talking to kids about God
"ya get to BLOW UP Stuff" am a comic ( ) clever enough NOT to be vulgur. I started a sports league for adults ( ). As a person who wears clothes, I created a small line of sports apparel ( ). I liked it so I am working on another one ( ). I Currently live in the South because I hate snow. However, I will never eat grits or say "y'all" and remain a proud Yankee.(Is it WEIRD to you that the only people that get dressed up to reinact the Civil War are the ones that obviously, um ...LOST?)
Speaking of moms, WHY did they always keep the cookie jar WAY up on top of the fridge, but the liquid DRANO right there under the sink with all the other... POISONS!!!
* I feel that if God was small enough to be understood, he would not be BIG enough to be worshipped and I try to trust him. You should too.
* the left lane is for PASSING, idiot!
Why is there a light in the refrigerator and not one in the freezer?
* I tie my shoes with one hand
Mcdonald's: does it trouble anyone else in here that we can eat at a joint where you can straight out order ...a "NUMBER TWO"!

*I guide tours for senior citizen travel companies.. . I do this to get comedy material, ...but old people are really cool too, AND I can tell the SAME JOKES on the way up and the way back...they don't remember, they think I am freekin hilarious.
*I like God, my family, true friends, my car, the fact that you are smiling, socks right out of the dryer, cruises, Sinatra, REAL NY Pizza, being on stage, people who enjoy life, golfing in December, The "Rigatoni D" at Maggianos, and, apparently..."quotes", (parenthesis), and the occassional run-on sentence. I cry at the end of Wedding Singer. Every time.
If after viewing this page, you like millions before you, just CANNOT resist the urge to write me and tell me how cool, good looking, funny, humble etc etc etc... you think I am, please, do me a favor,
...write me twice.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Mr. Ed McMahon and company. You know, with one of those big, Happy Gilmore checks.




not yet


32" SONY Flatscreen


Curious George goes to the Hospital. I like the pictures.


WWII and other American War vets

My Blog

are you RETARDED? read this

This is an article my mom wrote. It has even more impact when you meet my beautiful sister Julie (shes in my pics) Julie wrote a letter that this link and just try to not love my siste...
Posted by Derrick on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:20:00 PST


Hecklers, I LOVE them. What you say? Love them? Well yes. You see they give me an opportunity to be even funnier than I already am, AND to make them look like a Donkey!So I am at a club, the first...
Posted by Derrick on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 03:59:00 PST


I live in America. I live in Freedom. This freedom is a gift from a God who loves us very much and was central to our foundation and the lives of those who established this great land. Few things m...
Posted by Derrick on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 07:37:00 PST


Remember when people who had "CAR phones" (like Zach Morris) would talk really loud on them out in public so everybody knew that THEY had one and that they were really cool? Well, welcome to 2006 whe...
Posted by Derrick on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:40:00 PST

or a tiny giraffe will call you at 7

OK, maybe it's just me but...NO! I know it can't be just me, I simply do not get this seemingly universal fascination with the take the letters of your middle name and apply this list, repost it wit...
Posted by Derrick on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 12:37:00 PST

Keep your shirt on...

OK, I am new to this myspace thing. Is it just me, or are there FAR too many dudes on this site with their shirts off and the " I'm too sexy for a brain" look? I mean am I allowed on here if I...
Posted by Derrick on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 09:09:00 PST