..............NOW EVERYONE CAN AFFORD THEM, NOW EVERYONE'S WEARING GHOULS!GO TO www.myspace.com/FamilyGhouls add as friend to enter Family Ghouls Slogan Contest in the Comments!..........................Hey KISS ARMY,This is Luis Reyes and I'm the maker of the Family Ghouls. I made the Family Ghouls line of Shells so that Finally EVERY KISS FAN can own a set for themselves Without paying Hundreds of $$$ for them!And since my kids now need College Tuition I'm selling them on EBAY Very Soon!! I'll be opening up an EBAY STORE so that it will be even easier to buy your own Ghouls!Please keep in mind that these Family Ghouls are made of High Impact Polystyrene and they are a couple of steps above Halloween Grade. IF you need stronger shells I can Make them as Professional Grade Materials like I made Mine! But they will cost more. That's why I chose the High Impact Polystyrene for the world so I could keep the cost way down!SO HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are launching a FAMILY GHOULS SLOGAN CONTEST ON JUNE 1, 2008
with a winner to be announced on JULY 4 !!!
We will have an official announcement with details next week!To be a part of the contest please add www.myspace.com/FamilyGhouls
to your friends.KISS ARMY THIS IS FOR YOU!!!Thanks and Good Luck,Luis=)~