"Run away and join the circus. Get a tattoo, hop a train. Get good with a bull whip. Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal. Everyone must put beans on the table. Be devoted to the unification of the diverse aspects of yourself. Remember, most of what is essential is invisible to the eye. The quality of the time you spend with someone far out weighs the quantity. And, there's a lot you can do with a wah-wah pedal and a bullet mike" - Tom Waits.Im also into World of Warcraft and am an alliance Guild Master for The Forerunners on the Nagrand US server. If you like the game and am interested in becoming part of the team then please visit my website http://www.theforerunnersguild.com - The site is still under construction but you can still browse bits and pieces of it. Its rad!
My dad when he was my age. Although, now that i'm getting older, this wish is becoming more and more closer to the truth
The Ambient Hiss of an old record player
The kind you never wish to forget But whose name always sits on the tip of your tounge
Allows me to escape when there is nowhere else to run
Sometimes a picture can tell a thousand words. Im surprised to see so many panels of art in a comic book.
God, Jesus, Buddah, Allah, Krishna and Chuck Norris