Samantha profile picture


Why is myspace so rubbish?

About Me

I am a english lass living in Sydney, where I have been located for a little bit more than 10 years. I like a lot of stuff (see interests).I dont like a lot of stuff, I am getting bitter in my old age.Often times the bus drivers and ticket sellers of Sydney try to sell me child tickets however I am in fact, rapidly approaching 30. That is more terrifiying than you can possibly imagine. Unless you are 27 - 30 in which case you probably can.All of my lovely friends have either moved interstate or are planning it, they all suck and I miss them.I have a really great boyfriend. He is really really great.Thanks for listening x

My Interests

Making bacon sammiches, photomagraphing things, buying way too many clothes, eating small woodland animals, revenge killings, nannageddon, quoting the simpsons,messing my room up reaaaaaaaaaal good, not doing me washing, collecting mugs, piling money up in order of size (not amount), snowglobes, being late for work EVERY EFFING DAY!, growing my hair down to my ankles, SHOES, watching bad tv, making jewels, red black + white, dresses.

I'd like to meet:

The Queen, Michael Jackson, The Simpsons (it could happen).


Once upon a time I had about 30gig of music. Now I have 3 albums on my computer, and I've never listened to them the whole way through. I dont know if music got boring or I did, but I assume its the latter.


I like watching all moves except for retarded ones like "Scary movie 56,000" or whatever they are up to. I cant decide which is my favourite from recent times because I've seen a lot of kickass ones. My best childhood ones are The Never ending story, flight of the navigator, the last unicorn + SANTA CLAUS THE MOVIE!!!!!!!


-Black Books -The Office -Ab Fab -The Simpsons -Futurama -Seinfeld -Frasier -Sex and the city -Im Alan Partridge


Sometimes when Im on the train and I see everyone reading that commie rag, MX, I get an evil feeling down my spine. They all turn in the pages in union. YES MX I AM YOUR MASTER TELL ME WHERE TO SHOP, TELL ME WHAT CELEBRITIES ARE EATING EACH OTHERS ASS HOLES AND BEST OF ALL STOP ME THINKING IN THE FEW SHORT MINUTES THAT I GET TO MYSELF EVERY DAY. Er yeah I like some books.


Anyone that invents the gadgets that I love to waste my money on.

My Blog


Hello there, You may or may not know my brother, Justin Timberlake... I mean Robert. He would appreciate if you would peruse his comedy stylings in his blog
Posted by Samantha on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 05:53:00 PST


Iyer,Allan poo and me went to Bronte and took photomagraphs. Then we walked all the way to Bondi. It was exciting times!...
Posted by Samantha on Sun, 06 May 2007 10:58:00 PST


Im going to Engerland in 17 days so kiss my britches!Sayers sausage rolls and LIVERRPOOLLLL ALRIGHT THERE LA ere I come!
Posted by Samantha on Tue, 01 May 2007 04:15:00 PST

Im back

Conclusion: Melbourne is approximately 18,000,000 times better than Sydney. Chances of moving there. VERY HIGH.I have 1 billion photos.
Posted by Samantha on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 12:59:00 PST


    Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PIXIES, THE RAPTURE AND PET SHOP BOYS!!!! YEAAHHH for working at virgin and getting discounted tickets.YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH FOR ANNUAL LEAVEYEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FOR...
Posted by Samantha on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:27:00 PST

Today I

Had a great day with my future morrisey co-parent.Ate way too much sugar.Got a t-shirt with bats on. YEAH.
Posted by Samantha on Sun, 27 Aug 2006 04:52:00 PST

Me bad :(

So I keep forgetting to update this thing and what not.. I shall try and remember because Im sure you are all dying to hear what Im up to. You could always add me on livejournal which I update about...
Posted by Samantha on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


This thing is scary and new *shudders* Thanks to all those lovely people who added me! Uhm so I couldnt go to work today, because my new bed has destroyed my back and I can barely move.. exciting s...
Posted by Samantha on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST