Laura Mayes profile picture

Laura Mayes

you have EMPOWE-RED ME

About Me

I have been on stage all of my life. It is the one constant. You gotta laugh to keep from crying. I do love laughing.My favorite EVER is improv. You can't help but be present.I made a good first impression on myself when I recently started doing stand-up comedy on the side.I spend all of my money on classes. I was not 2 guud at college but, I do HAVE to keep learning. Writing, performing, yoga, stand-up, sketch. I won $10,000 on the Pyramid game show. Yes, Donny Osmond was very flirty with me. It was because they dressed me up like a mormon school-teacher.I believe that everything else can wait, the search for God cannot. I like to spend a lot of time alone. Walking and adventuring. I love exploring but I have not done a lot of travelling. I take care of myself (in more ways than one). It is a hard job, for I can be a difficult ward. I had a poem published with the National Library of Poetry when I was 18. I may try to blog it sometime. I don't get blogs yet but, I have been stream-of-conciousness journaling since my mother passed away in 1999. I haven't written one poem since then. Huh, something to think about.I am a positive person & always looking for ways to better myself. The self-help isle was made for me. I love Tony Robbins. DON'T LET THE BASTARDS GET YOU DOWN!!!!!Some past jobs include Blockbuster Video, Red Robin and teaching at Barbizon Modeling School of Fresno. I do have a crazy cool job now though. People born with a silver spoon up their ass bug me.I have 10 amazing nieces and nephews. To you KIDS; do not use the same language that Aunt Laura uses sometimes. It is purely for comic effect and reserved for grown-ups.I went through a whole-lotta classes at the Groundlings, Upright Citizens Brigade and Second City. Small possibility you saw me in such groups as Fries on the Side, Loosely Based, AB3 Improv and Punch the Kitty or onstage at Upright Citizens Brigade,Groundlings Theatre, Actor's Gang, The Comedy Underground, McCadden Theatre, the Lilian Theatre, Improv Olympic West or Theatre Building Chicago for the Chicago Sketch Fest 2007.I can move on very quickley. Change is necessary.
How I made my profile:
Your Aura is Red
You have a high level of emotion. This can mean passion, but it can also mean rage.
Usually, you don't take these emotions out on others. You just use them as motivation - and it works!
The purpose of your life: embracing all the wonders of the life, lots of travels, and tons of adventures
Famous reds include: Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Jennifer Lopez
Careers for you to try: Dancer, Boxer, Surgeon What Color Is Your Aura?..

My Interests

Funny Ha Ha

I'd like to meet:

George Carlin


If I can move to it, it works for me.


Insert 80's title here. Insert chick-flick here. My life is a romantic comedy.


The television made me who I am today...


The Artist's Way, Celestine Prophecy, the Alchemist... anything self-help, philosophy or eastern religion related. Also, Why Men Love Bitches and Candace Bushnell's Trading Up.


My mom. Goldie Hawn, Lucy, Joan Allen, Diane Lane, Joan Cusak, Sarah Jessica Parker, Bernadette Peters, Oprah, Annette Benning, Carol Burnette, Tracey Ulman, Merryl Streep, Madeline Kahn, Uma Thurman, Lisa Kudrow, Jennifer Coolidge, Shirley McLean, Julianne Moore,Gilda Radner...

My Blog

Life Lite

Life Lite Where there's a life, there's a light A fire constant light A flicker of the heart, that murmurs in the night The entourage of candels, cathedral blanket of flame The dancing, dizzy damnable...
Posted by Laura Mayes on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:11:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Laura Mayes on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 07:46:00 PST