SPANKY profile picture


Good Luck Expoloring the Infinite Abyss

About Me

  The show I'm producing - fucking awesome. Fries on the Side - Improvised Sketch Comedy in LAI AM A WORK IN PROGRESS.... hmmm, let's see... OK, here goes: My daughter is my greatest accomplishment.... Laughing is good for the soul! ... I feel so lucky to say this: I love my job and what I do... I've found the true love of my life, so check that one off the list... I can't wait to see what happens next! So here's a toast, to Swig and Spanky: "Carpet Diem, Bitches"
You are Betty Grable
The ulitmate girl next door
You're the perfect girl for most guys
Pretty yet approachable. Beautiful yet real. What Famous Pinup Are You? ..

My Interests

MUSIC!!! I play Instruments: Guitar, bass, keys, singing, drums, (I also play a mean skin flute), just put something in my hands and I will play it, or have fun trying! The important part is listening - there are SO many musicians out there who forget this...SPORTS are awesome - I actually do all of these things: snowboarding, horseback riding, waterskiing, scuba diving, biking, hiking...... TRAVELLING!!! anywhere, take me with you........... MUSIC, COOKING and MAKING LOVE = THE ULTIMATE COMBINATION... Reading, writing, dancing, sewing, creating, living, breathing, drinking BEER, meeting cool people, being inspired, um anything COOL

I'd like to meet:

the psychotic crazy people, demented wierdos, sick and twisted perverts... Basically, this means YOU if you are reading this.OH - and Chewbacca too... 'cuz he's a kick ass drummmer.....


Yes please.Turn Me On to something amazing! _______________________Now I have my own band, Pretty Shifty, check it out if you wanna...Lately: KT Tunstall - My new favorite addiction and, of course, there's always the Rainbow Conncection:


Thank you to the Goonies, The Neverending Story, Muppets, Ewoks and Annie for raising me up just right. Garden State is a fucking masterpiece.For now, I will live vicariously as Miss Motor ala Smala Sussie (aka Slim Susie), courtesy of the amazing Ulf Malmros.


The Greats: liquid television, ren and stimpy, the young ones, absolutely fabulous, ... old SNL, Family Guy!cable rocks, but there's just not enough time. i don't think i've been able to really sit and watch tv in a year, and I've skipped years and years of music/television/pop cluture while travelling - I'm still making up for it!


TOM ROBBINS TOM ROBBINS TOM ROBBINS... OH - DID I FORGET TO MENTION TOM ROBBINS? ANYTHING BY TOM, but especially Jitterbug Perfume, skinny legs and all, and Another Roadside Attraction, one of the greatest writers of all fucking time!!! Of Course, where would my sick and twisted mind be without the likes of William S. Burroughs? healthy reading for a young growing mind... HA! Pauline Reage - The Story of O... need I say more? Harry Potter (don't laugh you know you love it) The Mists of Avalon - one of the best ever.


Besides my daughter, I am my own personal hero, and I really mean it.

My Blog

Surfacing for air...

This post is to update anyone who may be wondering where I've been hiding and what I've been up to....  In late November my birth mother (I was adopted at birth) Rosey Reed suffered from a stroke...
Posted by SPANKY on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 08:59:00 PST

Rosey Reed (1954-2006)

"ONE HECK OF A RIDE" Equestrian Community looses Renowned Horsewoman, Rosey Reed, Julia Henry   Rosey Reed, renowned World Champion Equestrian, Founder/Owner/Trainer of Griffith Park Farms...
Posted by SPANKY on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 08:33:00 PST

Telepop Music, Downtown LA, March 2006 ype=bucketstrip&featurename=TelepopMusic&pa=/j302/ju liasteinberg/TELEPOP/...
Posted by SPANKY on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 11:18:00 PST