Horse riding, writing, politics, pissing about in general. Summer camp!
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Created by Bart King
Tall, dark and handsome. Ain't that the way it goes?
Ooh, Sarah-esque eclecticness prevails. Bit of everything, in other words. Have recently discovered Ryan Adams, and am enjoying his stuff very much. Could list off my playlist, but, frankly, can't be bothered. Just rest assured that it spans at least the last few decades, and most styles. If I can sing along to it I like it!
Battlestar Galactica all the way!! it's the most awesome series. Also the usual: ER, Desperate Housewives, Lost (roll on series 2), Futurama, Sex and the City, Weeds. English tv's much better for one off programs, and, oddly, programs involving property. Although Wife Swap is always good for a laugh. Oh, and The Office rocks.
Just finished reading The Godfather, and loved it. Actually made sense of the film for me, so that was nice. Also 'The Hippopotamus' by Steven Fry - what can I say but pure Fry? Superbly plotted and written, and got me yearning for England again. That's about it for fiction lately - am now reading 'The Bush Dyslexicon' (au: Mark Crispin Miller) and 'Freakonomics' (Levitt & Dubner). The latter uses economic theory to answer everyday questions such as 'why do drug dealers still live with thier mothers?'. Highly entertaining Also, if you do the whole comic thing, I can recommend Girls by the Luna Bros. Very disturbing, but highly entertaining.
Wolverine. Or is he a villain? As in life, there is no black and white.