Dancing all night long. Singing (including in the shower when I have no actual audience). Creative/crafty projects, NB I'm thinking of starting my christmas cards early this year so that I actually have enough! If anyone wants to join me, feel free.
All the people I have met, 20 years after the first time I met them. Would be weird to see where everyone was. And if I am still friends with the same people, then I am lucky bugger for having friends that have stood by me for 20 years. A future Cheers guys... Good times, good times!
Donna is almost back home... Hooray!
I seem to be watching lots of films set in NYC to rid myself of these pangs. It doesn't work though, I just miss it more. Films include, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle (the ending is in NY, big scene at the top of the Empire State building) and New York Minute (an Olsen twins movie... I know, but I was ill and it has cute guys in it, I needed the eye candy!)
'Are You Experienced?' by William Sutcliffe. For any guy who has been 19 and any girl who wants a little humourous insight into said guys mind. Read it, it's grand.
She-ra. Need I say more?