"The Tattooed Psychic" profile picture

"The Tattooed Psychic"

"Im known for burning bridges, it is the only way I can build new ones." www.TattoedPsychic.com

About Me

AVAILABLE FOR SESSIONS TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS AT TENZING MOMO INSIDE THE PIKE PLACE MARKET! Also available for Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Investigating SPIRITUS Paranormal Investigators
I am Lead Psychic Investigator for SPIRITUS Paranormal Investigators visit our website at www.illFamedSpirits.com TV SHOW AND PSYCHIC GHOST HUNTING TEAM!!ANNA MOORE PHOTOGRAPHY

I Am A Dreamer and I Am A Believer. I want everyone to love eahother and sprinkle eachother with stars and sparkles. But I am also a realistic person! I love graveyards and I love spirit. I love sports...fast cars and motorcycles. I love to laugh. I love my friends and my family. I love my babies Beans and Stink. I love Stevie Nicks and shimmering dancers. I love Hosting my TV show and I love Ghost Hunting with my friends. I love drinking good wine, eating blessed food and hanging out with my girls! I am a Counselor/Intuitive Life Coach, Psychic Medium, Metaphysical Performer, TV Talk Show Host, Lead Investigator for IFS Ghost Hunting Team, Artist, Mother and Wife...so I am pretty darn busy!I am a Spainish Latvian Gyspy, ex Heavy Meatal/Punk singer turned Psychic-Medium, Spiritual Evangelist. I do a Live Psychic show in Seattle called Spritus. It has been running for two years nwo and we will continue in 2008. We perform every Third Thursday of the Month at The Jewel Box Theater located in Seattles Belltown. The show also stars Seatles only Alternative Gothic Bellydance Troupe HAnds of Kali. Tarot readings are by Kenly and Cassandra...the show ROCKS! I do Readings at Tenzing Momo inside The Pike Palce Market on Tuesdays and Wedensdays. I also Co-Host Ill Famed Spirits Tv- A Talk show for Spiritual Misfits- on Chan 77. For more information about me Please visit www.TattooedPsychic.com
Sun Sign: Capricorn
Sun 20° Capricorn 44' Capricorn Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Virgo
Moon 19° Virgo 03' Virgo Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Scorpio
Ascendant 1° Scorpio 22' Scorpio Horoscope
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My Interests

Maud Gonne and William Yeats...my Favortie Love Story..
The Spiritual Marriage of Maud Gonne and W. B. YeatsMaud Gonne returned to Dublin in December 1898 and was with Willie [Yeats] constantly. Her renowned beauty was then in its full flowering, a beauty that her friend, Ella Young, described as "like the sun when it leaps above the horizon." "She is tall," Young said, "and like a queen out of a saga. Her hair is burnished gold and her eyes are gold, really gold." When she was with Yeats in public all eyes would fall on them, creating a stir in the surrounding crowds as people stopped and turned to stare: "It is Maud Gonne and the Poet. She has a radiance as of sunlight. Yeats, that leopard of the moon, holds back in a leash a huge lion-colored Great Dane--Maud Gonne's dog, Dagda."One day Willie arrived as usual to see Maud. But on this day she asked him, "Had you a strange dream last night?""I dreamed this morning for the first time in my life that you kissed me," he replied. Maud then described her own dream: "When I fell asleep last night I saw standing at my bedside a great spirit. He took me to a great throng of spirits, and you were among them. My hand was put into yours and I was told we were married. After that I remember nothing." For the first time with "bodily mouth," Maud then kissed him.The next day Willie found her sitting gloomily over the fire. "I should not have spoken to you in that way," she said, " for I can never be your wife in reality.""Do you love anyone else?" Willie asked."No." But she admitted that there was someone else, a child, and that she had to be a "moral nature for two."Then bit by bit, she began to tell him the story of her life. Some of these things Willie had heard as rumors, twisted by scandal, and had chosen not to believe. Now he was learning the truth. As Willie remembered it:She had met in the South of France the French Boulangist deputy, [Lucien] Millevoye, while staying with a relative in her nineteenth year, and had at once and without any urging on his part fallen in love with him. She then returned to Dublin where her father had a military command. She had sat one night over the fire thinking over her future life, and chance discovery of some book on magic among her father's books had made her believe that the devil, if she prayed to him, might help her. She asked the Devil to give her control of her own life and offered in return her soul. At that moment the clock struck twelve, and she felt of a sudden that the prayer had been heard and answered. Within a fortnight her father died suddenly, and she was stricken with remorse. (Yeats, Memoirs)Maud told Willie of her troubles with Millevoye and of the birth and death of her son. "The idea came to her that the lost child might be reborn," wrote Yeats later, "and she had gone back to Millevoye, in the vault under [her son's] memorial chapel. A girl child was born."A few days later they undertook a silent trance, and both experienced a vision about which they agreed not to speak until it was over. Maud "thought herself a great stone statue through which passed flame." She was unmoving, enduring, perpetual, like the stone and earth of the country she love, fired by the life force and passion of those who lived on the land.Willie felt himself "becoming flame and mounting up through and looking out of the eyes of a great stone Minerva." With his creative spark of artistic genius, he needed a form through which to flow. This form was Maud, embodying for him the spirit of the land itself -- of Ireland.This experience confirmed that theirs was a "spiritual marriage," coming from "the beings which stand behind human life." They were to receive initiations for founding an Irish Mystery School. Theirs was not a marriage of the body but a sacred rite for linking the Bard and the Earth Mother. Maud learned in a trance, induced by staring at a talisman devised by Willie, that "the initiation of the cauldron or cup is a purification, that of the stone power, that of the sword knowledge and subtlety, and that of the wands a supernatural inspiration." For Maud and Willie these were the four suits of the Tarot, as well as the four treasures of the Tuatha de Danaan

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I'd like to meet:

Warriors, Pirates, Gypsies, Fairies, Wrestlers, kind hearted people with big attitudes, Cemetery Lovers, Ghost hunters, Mermaids, Believers, Dream Weavers, Rock Stars, Tattooed Goddesses, Bellydancers, Tarot Readers, Circus Freaks, Misfits and Spirits.


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The QUEEN GYPSY..Eugenia!
Miss you Everyday! thanks for watching over me! xox

My Blog

So you wanna Free Reading with Me?

I am filming my new tv show at my house and need a couple of people who lie in Seattle to come over and get a free reading with me for the show. I rarley do this for free so take advantage! Email me a...
Posted by "The Tattooed Psychic" on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 07:24:00 PST