Rockboyandwrtrgrl profile picture


Blue Horseshoe loves Anacot Steel

About Me

Let's see- we are devout Seinfeld-ologists. We love to travel and experience different cultures and surroundings. We like to think of ourselves as Renaissance people, we love all the arts. Rockboy is a musician and Wrtrgrl is a writer, primarily, but we both cross genres and like to dabble in art, photography and film (shorts and full-length feature films). We shoot with an old Super 8 and also use DV. We like to be involved in all aspects of film-making. We write our own screenplays, direct, score and edit our own films. The Robert Rodriguez school of thought is kind of how we base our films. We are involved in (and have completed) several short films and also have two full length feature screenplays that are floating around this small universe. One is being optioned at the moment.We are both gluten free (don't eat wheat, barley, rye or oats, or any products that contain gluten, transfat or nitrates). Wrtrgrl was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease and Rockboy is a very strong supporter, and though not clinically diagnosed, feels that being gluten free is the healthy way to go. Rockboy makes the most wonderful gluten free pancakes. We have a lovely support system for Celiac's here on myspace so feel free to browse through our friends and see what they are up to. We get a lot of information from our myspace friends as well as good art, writers, photographers, musicians, designers, makeup artists, and friends...Please enjoy our space and feel free to drop us a line. We love email, mail, whatever type of communication you'd like to send. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!If you're here and found us, then welcome and if we've found you, then we are impressed. ***MYSPACE FRIENDS*** IF WE'VE ADDED OR REQUESTED TO ADD YOU AS A FRIEND THEN WE HAVE READ YOUR PROFILE. WE'RE NOT ON MYSPACE TO SEE IF WE CAN OUTNUMBER TOM.Remember: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU DO TO GET WHAT YOU WANT!

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My Interests

Music, writing, travel, painting, art, photography, fashion, design, cultures, languages, people.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people...


Tool, Massive Attack, System of a Down, Blonde Redhead, Circa Survive, A Perfect Circle, Radiohead, Gnarls Barkley, Tricky, Mazzy Star, Jesus and Mary Chain, Milla Jovovich, Sade, Prince, Serge Gainsbourg, Portishead, The Streets, Coldplay, Matisyahu, Natacha Atlas, Blackeyed Peas, No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, Big Pun, Biggie Smalls, and Rockboy's latest project.


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Seinfeld (it's a religion), Weeds, L-Word, Penn and Teller's Bullshit, Love Monkey, Sex in the City, Insomniac, Simple Life, Girls Next Door, Queer Eye, Three's Company, Charlie Rose, and Frazier...collectively.Rockboy also likes Family Guy and Southpark. Wrtrgrl also likes Sheila Bridges and Project Runway.


powered by frazy.comSo many more...I could testify to being a certified or certifiable (hahaha) bibliophile. ROCKBOY also likes (but photos were not available): The Book of Troth, Book 4, and The Divinci Code by Dan Brown.


My beautiful Mom Polly, Bill Murray, Nancy Botwin (if only I dared) and Shaman tribes of the East. People who use more than 10% of their brain.

My Blog

WRTRGL: Just a thought: I am becomming dumber

It seems as I grow older I become increasingly dumber. Sometimes I wish I would have been smart enough to forgo my bachelor and master's degrees. I probably could have learned more with a library car...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 04:20:00 PST

WRTRGRL: My all-time favourite movies

I thought I'd blog on something light. Well, this is not actually a blog but a list of my all-time favourite movies. Something is probably going to be missing but these are the list I came up with of...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 03:26:00 PST

ROCKBOY : My head hurts!

Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred. No shit! The media wants to crucify athletes for steroid use and couldn't give a damn if more than half the farmers in America shoot our good ole' FDA approv...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 02:20:00 PST

ROCKBOY: what the hell are we suppose to be looking for?

Where' s the bright light? Someone tell me these secrets the wonderous religous leaders of our lost world possess?  Is the pain too great? The truth so powerful, none shall be...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:20:00 PST

WRTRGRL: why I dont blog

The truth is I feel a bit guilty writing blogs.  There is so little time during the day and so many things I have to do that when I start to blog, I feel guilty. Now don't get me wrong, I read lo...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 08:44:00 PST

"Act as if"

 If I were to tell you that I don't wake up before 10 am you might think I am a loser.  I wish I could say it was because I don't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day like that fa...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 02:00:00 PST

Happy New Year!!!!!

 Paint the town. Do things you thought you could never do. Be spontaneous. Be wild but be safe! Much love to you all! Here's a little makeup primer for some seriously cool faux eyelashes to s...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:24:00 PST

How the Huxtables Saved My Life

     The doctor said he was weaning me off Zoloft.  "Remember how you took baby steps to get to your 100 mg dosage? We're going to wean you off Zoloft by taking baby steps of ...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 02:27:00 PST

WRTRGRL "I just want to sleep"

Currently watching The Machinist after a failed attempt to load my new Rosetta Stone Language software.  Maybe if the instructions were in English or some other language I could try and decipher ...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 02:24:00 PST

And the Ghost just walked in...

This keeps happening. Several of my light bulbs will burn out at the same time. No biggie...well, tonight or shall I say, this early morning twilight, I was walking through the game room and the light...
Posted by Rockboyandwrtrgrl on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 03:59:00 PST