teaching tricks to my dog, Tuesday (he just learned "high five!"), driving downtown with my friends to get fish tacos at this little stand called Senor Fish, pilates, which I just started doing a month ago and sort of hate except I'm starting to have abs for the first time in my life, so I also sort of love it, getting up really early in the morning, just before it gets light, and sitting outside on my balcony and watching the coyotes run up and down my street
F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1924.
Y Tu Mama Tambien, Fight Club, GI Jane, Bring It On, About A Boy, The Rachel Papers, Taps, The Sound of Music, Riding With Giants, Bend It Like Beckham, Escape From Witch Mountain, The Sure Thing, Enchanted April, Singles, Divided We Fall, The Rules of Attraction
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Prison Break, Heroes, Gilmore Girls, The Amazing Race, Scrubs, House, Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, The Office, Supernatural, Toolbelt Diva
Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging (Louise Rennison), Fool on the Hill (Matt Ruff), Emma Who Saved My Life (Wilton Barnhardt), The Secret History (Donna Tartt), The Road Home (Ellen Emerson White), The Golden Compass (Phillip Pullman), Victory Over Japan (Ellen Gilchrist), Middlesex (Jeffery Eugenedies), Anywhere but Here (Mona Simpson), Cowboys Are My Weakness (Pam Houston), anything by Kristen Kemp, anything by Sarah Dessen, anything by Thomas Perry
Meg Cabot, Cesar Milan, Darren Star, Amy Sherman-Palladino, Miss Alli, Phillip Gourevitch, Wallace Stevens, Daisy Zamora, Bel Kaufman, Pablo Neruda