I Believe in the Religion of Love! MUSIC, ART, LOVE, HOPE and FAITH!
My Maker, Robin Williams, Elliott Smith, Bono, John Lennon, Bill Murray, David Gilmour, Kurt Cobain, Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman, Charles Darwin, Abraham Lincoln, Bruce Lee, Leonardo Da Vinci, Dalai Lama, Lao Tzu, too many to name! Every and any artist with Hope and a dream!.. width="425" height="350" ..
Music, Fuck, Here we go...Yes, Misty herself is a singer/songwriter/guitar player with A Yin and Yang. In constant pursuit of her dream, With solo/acoustic work and now to be discovered compilation of whimisical and sexy voices with the vocal talents of her band mate Carissa and herself in an overall unexplainable expression of writings and rythms. Still finding its way and growing everyday!My inspirations are: U2, Elliot Smith, Nirvana, Lou Barlow, The Polyphonic Spree, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Death Cab for Cutie, Curve, Lush, The Pixies, Snow Patrol, Clannad, Afghan Whigs, The Twilight Singers, Coldplay, Trip'n Daisy, R.E.M., Sebadoh, Fugazi, Everything from the Family Marley, David Bowie, Rammstein, Franz Ferdinand, the Streets, Deftones and The Pretenders. All the classic rockers and all the new ones that fucking mean something! I Love my celtic music! Let me put it to you this way, Radio Rock and Roll was dead for me; but when Bono sung Stuck in a Moment, he spoke directly to my soul! When Michael Stipe and Chris Martin recently asked me "If I find, If I find my own way, How much will I find?" I was asking myself the same question. When Elliott Smith entered my life, I realized he was me and I was him and that we are all part of the same blanket!.. width="425" height="350" ..
Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Life Aquatic, Kiss,Kiss,Bang,Bang!, I Heart Huckabees, Moulin Rouge, 300, Phantom of the Opera, Children of Men, Labrynth, Garden State,Snatch, Lock stock, Shallow Grave, The Boondock Saints, Dogma, 300, Liam, The Count of Monte Cristo, Eternal Sunshine, Love Actually, The Princess Bride, Lost in Translation, Donnie Darko, Trainspotting, True Romance, LOTR, 300, Underworld (anything with the tantalizing Kate Beckinsale) India Jones, Clerks (anything by Kevin Smith), About A Boy, the Usual Suspects, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver,Robin Hood Men in Tights, Natural Born Killers, 300, Dazed and Confused, The Wall, Star Wars, Clockwork Orange, Thumbsucker, Everafter, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller, Half-Baked and all the Monty Pythons and anything with Robin Williams will do just fine! More coming soon...
Chappelle's Show, The Long Way Round, Amazing Race, Discovery, History and IFC and Sundance!
Tao Teh Ching, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, The Count of Monte Cristo, Anything that teaches me what is unknown to most or what many refuse to know and anything that reconnects me with History!
Everyone who has ever cared about more then just themselves!Take a look at this Sexy Scottish Bastard! And He's all Mine!He is My Hero and my Muse!