About Me
Hi there. There is not much to say personally about myself but if you read my bulletins and blogs you can get a better idea of who I am and always, who I am becoming. I am 25 and a proud mother, daughter, sister, comforter and healer. I was raised as a gypsy, but spent most of my teenage and current years trying to uncover my own destiny and have strong interest in the secrets of the natural world, reincarnation, alchemy, astrology, music, art and am trying to discover the meaning of life.
When I am not keeping house and tending to the needs of my loved ones, I run, create and edit for The Penniless Prophet. About 7 years back, we decided that the theme world was in desperate need of our imagination so we came up with the concept of matching good music with good art. Over the 5 year period that The Penniless Prophet has been gracing millions of desktops, we learned many different ways of creating our own art and now have a respectable standing as original artists, not just theme authors. We dont plan ..ping there either. Click on the link above to check us out!
Although I have chose Wiccan as my myspace religion, I tend to stick to a more natural and physical form known as "the old ways", even feel an affinity for Ancient Christianity (before the male race decided woman were only meant to obey them) and Nodstic practices. However, I do dabble in healing magic and special rituals and apply philosophy and science for assured sucess. When it comes to people I try to treat each experience and conflict like a challenge and am here to pass on the lessons and knowledge to you. My advice is free and I write blogs on a regular basis to pass
on spiritual, philisophical and mental inspiration and try to teach others thier own power to acheive thier wishes. I am known to some as a shrink because you will here "I have been there" about a million times and since that is who I am I have a problem keeping friends because it seems I have to bring people to a higher mental level in order to understand me so the shrink thing always interferes because my friends seem to thing I am talking down to them. I do, however, have a good time and enjoy my life and I had to struggle through alot of trials with others and myself to know what it takes to remain happy for those I love and to adapt because I have litterly become a ginnie-pig to my philisophical quest.
I disagree with the war in Iraq, but I also beleive that combat is nessesary for the protection of our loved ones and the territory they rest on. I have a different concept of heroism and feel that pulling out of Iraq and not supporting a war on religion or atleast inspiring others that religion only tells others what to believe while we are there, there is NO heroism in Iraq, whether you are a soldier or not. Stand up for the truth and your own beliefs, based on experience and not religion and you will discover that the higher power is more capable for handling this injustice then us. I believe talkin and doing are two very different things and since this world is full of consumers and those striving for thier own end and personal gratification, we find it impossable to work together to make this world a better place. It is not that the majority of Americans are bad people or "uncivilized", its just that the majority dont care enough to change thier nasty, greedy habits so that one day we will be a respected nation full of heros and loving people and not idiots. Its the people supporting consumption and passing on the materialistic values that is destroying America's credability, not so much the war in Iraq or even President Bush. Our voices are heard, however, it just takes alot more of us listening and making an effort to change themselves and influence others to the right way. Until we settle more just what we need and let the rest be shared, there will be no equality. So back out of Iraq. Stop letting our government make excuses and if there is nothing you can do to make them listen then PROOVE THEM WRONG by showing that we CAN be successful, happy and satisfied if we just stopped WANTING. The only want we should have is to want to love, protect and fight for what we hold dear. Whether they want to admit it we are safe enough to handle any blow. We made the mistake, now pull our troops out and lets start fighting against terrorism at home and surrounding us. We are more a danger to ourselves!
I am not ruled by a religion, I am ruled by the higher power and learning through personal and spiritual experiences and work towards the highest enlightenment possible and feel that everyone's belief in God or the higher power differs because we all have particular paths, which were writen for us to walk upon since the first body they inhabited. I have studied very little in the Wiccan and Pagan practices but I also understand that the Ancients learned from the earth, the other animals, the stars and treating life and death like a mystery to be uncovered, not egnored. This is how, also through constantly asking and uncovering mysteries through dreams, science and the aid of the tarot to reach my spirit guides, I have learned what I know. Somehow, I have aquired such knowlegde just through personal and spiritual experiences and being able to alow the laws of nature play into every action or decision I make. You can say alot of Wiccan, Native American and Pagan interest comes from one's own connection to nature and in a sense, there are many cultures and beliefs without these key factors.
I have always payed attention to the cycles of the moon and sun and the importance of applying these cycles to my life in order to be successful, but at the same time, I was born with the gift to see beyond the surface and I was able to open up to this more easily then others, including glimpses of past lives that later helped me realise alot of important aspects of my life, including certain unexplainable home sick feelings with certain countries and cultures. I have learned that we are the master of our own destinys and we are fully capable of writing our own lot in life as long as we keep our most important priorities fufilled and those of loved ones and to always allow both evil and good. Without the bad, how will you know how to defeat it and become strong?.
Since I lead a purley spiritual life and allow my spirit guides and the natural order of Threefold law, death and rebirth to play a major role when making decisons and who I keep in my life, it is hard for others to understand where I am coming from, yet I do base my knowledge on my real life events. I also understand that beliefs and lifestyles and habits must change or adapt to get anything you desire that is worth it.
Although I strive for good, I accept that in life sometimes I have to be cold to those with "robot personalities" in order to keep my energy balanced enough to fight any war I can for my loved ones. Sometimes, even, I might have to do something that might appear evil or brazen in order to uncover mysteries or to protect my loved ones, yet this tactic is used by detectives, the FBI and law enforcement. So my life is a very solitary one and I keep very little individuals in my personal circle and the ones I do keep are for love and purpose, not just a mere aquaintance. I tend to cling to intellectual individuals but I do come across alot that are just there to help for the momment and vise versa, with my advice and inspiration.
I know that there is always two sides to an argument and that we all grow and learn together and from one another. We are given many opportunities and the gift I give to others is guidence in helping them make thier dreams come true and the more hardships and experiences that I enlighten from, the more I discover how to help others to that goal. I have dreamt up many things and have found ways to make them come out into reality and the happiness derived from making my own life better is a feeling I am willing to guide ANYONE into. I was taught when you are given something, you must appriciate it and share it and by learning the true value of loving someone, I was able to learn how to love everyone else. The gift I give is love and my missions are solid at helping others help avoid catastrophies.
Very rarely do abused individuals speak out about thier abuse and strive to get over it and I realised that if my lot in life was to approve, I had to forgive them and take it as a lesson that I would one day share to help other vistums find happiness after abuse. If someone comes to me with a problem, I will listen and instead of offering advice, I tell them how they can help themselves, but only if I have been in thier shoes. I have learned the true value of honesty, friendship and how to love others without anything in return. Dont get me wrong, though, I will only give as much as I am supposed to. If I am no longer needed and vise versa, I will walk away completely. My happiness is important to my daughter, my friends and loved ones, because when I'm happy with myself, it is easier to help and guide others. Its kinda hard to listen to the advice of someone who isnt happy, now isnt it? Trust me, they really should put shrinks through physical and mental torture before setting them up in that nice pretty office and make sure they are pushing the daisies every day before they go to work and on top of that, things might be better if we stopped paying them and they were happy about that, too.
I use a mixture of ancient Celtic/Druid, Native American and both Eastern and Western Philosophy when dealing with magic on a physical plane and always understand that the only POWER is the higher Power, yet through the higher power, one can access the ability to make thier wildest dreams come true . All methods I use are very rarely passed and I will never pass on an idea or theory that I or someone close to me have not experienced or tested myself. I work mostly alone but one day hope to blend with an equal male counterpart( masculane energy) when doing sexual alchemy rituals and offer his energy for my most powerful healing spells.
To me you follow a religion only if you live it. I talk about my faith, but it plays into everything in my life, be it my art, my daughters upbringing, how I decorate and set up my home and alters and bascially everything that I am. I am ruled by love and have become the embodiment of it for the sake of those most dear to me, to reunite with my Twin and to become a better person and ask for nothing in return. Ones that know me well know that I will put my ass out there for you; all in the name of love. I will not lie to you, cheat on you or go out of my way to prove my religion the only one. Everyone is entitled to thier beliefs. I have witnessed alot of self proclaimed Christians, Wiccans and other Pagan lifestyles.
Almost every religion tells you of the importance of loving and helping others. Some choose to use thier religion as a form of control or "fitting in" syndrome when really its better to have your own beliefs and be your own person. Think for yourselves, not by what your chosen religion states. If you can not honestly relate in physical manifestation and understanding what you are reading, you can not say that you are of that religion
Dont listen to other people, look at your childhood, your past or memories from past lives, your present and then visualise how you can change your future. Believe it or not, only YOU know what is right for you and what makes you happy. If it doesn't work the first time, something is wrong. If the same opportunity keeps coming up for you, be it in career, finances or love, go for it.
Recognise how "God" works for you through you and you're decisions and deepest longings. If your biggest desire has always been love, you need to learn the true value of it. Also, we are born with special skills and talents for a reason. What you are meant to do or be is established at a young age, but rarely do you choose to build a career or lifestyle around it in adult years. The same goes for any other big desires. Going for what you want and getting it is a liberating experience. True freedom is being able to be who you truly are, think the way you want, be with who you WANT to be with and being able to speak your mind, all the while with a smile on your face and a victory laugh for your enemies. Alright, now, think about this!
Although some might not agree, marijuana is not a drug, it is a natural growing lifeform, just like sage and fruit and trees. Its purposes are pathetically essential. The problem is, we have too many idiots using it just for recreation and appearences and as long as those idiots exist, those who need it will go without or we will find clever ways, as we always do, of continuing its cultivation and usage. Not only that, it is NOT MEANT for everyone. Just like most medications, it can make the stupid even stupider. To those idiots that dont know the true value of marijuana, but use it anyway, GET A LIFE!!!!!
The whole reason for this profile was to give you a glimpse into who I am. I am not here to proove a point, I just love to pass on what I know, what I feel and what I have acomplished. My advice is free and everything I write is either been proven by my experiences and others or has been a simular thought of many, many people. Please, feel free to check out some of my art at the below link and thanks for visiting my page.
You can check out some art here! HERE! OR, check out my pic gallary for samples. Me and my mother are well known as The Penniless Prophet and if you havnt visited our site, you should today! Although, it is under renovation and the new site will be up some time next year.
Thank you all for visiting my space. Bright Blessings!