Riding Horseback, Music, writting, reading, but most of all, FAMILY!!!!
People With Questions, People seeking solutions to the many puzzles that life presents. People who are dying to be freed from the many prisons that they find themselves locked in simply because they were born human. people who are now in that place where I once was, that place where you don't realize how close you are to freedom, so you tell yourself that you are too far gone to ever get out.I would like to meet people who are hungry, so that I can feed them.I would like to meet people who are homeless, so that I can work to provide them shelter.I would like to meet people who are in pain, so that I can show them where to find TRUE RELIEF.I would like to MEET people who are in NEED, I wan't to MEET that NEED!
I Love All types Of Music, Music Is One of The Most beautiful Gifts Given To Mankind. It Alone Has The Incredable Ability To Reach Us On So Many Differant Levels. It Can Cause Us To Sing, Dance, Laugh, Cry,Think, Meditate, Morn, Celebrate, It Can Reach Our Minds, spirits,and souls all at once. It can cause our bodies to move, and our thoughts to stand still.Music Is A gift, An Angel, Sent By God To Minister To The Needs Of Mankind! I Only Pray That We Would Learn To Use Her(Music)With More Care.It Is Said That "Music Can Calm The Savage Beast (breast)", And That Is Very True. However! Music that is Motivated by Lust,Greed,violence,Children promoting sex Can Also Arouse The Savage In The most sereen Beast!!!!!If You Don't Believe It, Take A Look At Our Children.
The Usual Suspects, Fifty First Dates, and The Italian Job
TBN, Discovery, and BBC
Need I Say ?
While Running the risk of being redundant, I must say my Lord Jesus, The Christ, Because He Single handedly changed the course of the entire world in such a dramatic fashion. When He Said "It Is FINISHED", It was! The world as it was known in that time, WAS NO MORE!!!HE IS THE GREATEST OF THE great, THERE IS no one,or no - thing else like HIM.If anyone else is called a hero it is only because he has unselfishly displayed the attributes of our Lord Jesus, The Christ!!!!!