Be God Allah (Born) profile picture

Be God Allah (Born)

It's my Year 2007

About Me

Cool Slideshows MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile GeneratorI am the self proclaimed young, gifted, and black man with my own selfstylewizdom that should never be ignored or slept on and on occasion I have been charged with coming up with a Original thought or two. My goal, my aim, and my task is to bring into fruition Allah's World Manifest.I am one of the few brothers who is credited with bringing Allah's teachings into the jungles (Down The Way, OTR, West Side) of Cincinnati (Sun City).By most I am considered a Born hustler/entrepreneur, I began my grind before I was knee high to a duck, shining shoes in Elizabeth a.k.a Energy Born, a.k.a Eastwick, New Jersey. Since then I have sold almost everything under the sun: vitamin C, vitamen D, fleece,beat bags, trees, black soap, shea butter, socks, oils, hats, material for wraps, new papers, pins, buttons, cd's, and dvd's.(Tell the Truth Shame the Devil)I Lived as far north as Bridgeport, Ct and as far west as Covington, Ky and almost every where in between . I attended School 1, School 22, and Baton in Energy Born. I attended Stark school, St. Gabriel jr. high, Stamford Catholic, and Central HS, in CT. I earned my G.E.D in 1997 and Graduated from Seton Hall University in 2006 with a degree in History/Secondary Education, and a minor in African American Studies.In addition, I continue to Study at Allah's Street Academy in Mecca, at 2122 Seventh Avenue, Harlem, NY. In the very near future I plan on earning my masters degree in Special Education from Kean University. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Cool SlideshowsMy interest are teaching children, teaching black women, and schooling Destroy Powers. I leave the Build Powers for those that are weak in the stomach. I also enjoy listening and dancing to music of all sorts. I am so eclectic. I love to run cross country, four miles minimum. I'm like a fiend when shopping for new electronics and rare books. My first love is my family and my people. My second love is video recording and editing, and writing short stories and monologues. My one simple pleasure comes from listening to people laugh and if I was able to assist in that pleasure I wouldn't hesitate.

I'd like to meet:

I joined myspace with the intentions of meeting, connecting, and building with Gods, Earths, and all other positive people of the planet. In the very near future it would be divine to build with the many persons that have influenced me throughout my life beginning with: Rakim Allah, Hagi Allah, Lord Jamar Allah, Sadat X, King Sun Allah, Lord Shabazz Allah, Just Ice Allah, World Famous Supreme Team (rappers), Divine Master Unknown (thats when he was sharp) DMX, Knowledge Rule Supreme (KRS 1), King Asiatic Nobody's Equal (Big Daddy Kane), Wise Intelligent (Poor Righteous Teachers) and Mc Nine.When Ever we want to see Allah all we have to do is come togetherI would like to pay homage to the living, who guided me from a boy into the man that I am today. Those who returned to the essence who continue to strengthen me through their knowledge and wisdom that they supremely activated and is still with us today.The Living: King 7, Kahlim Allah, Poppa Wu, Big Freedom Allah, Darkim Be Allah, Born Education Allah, Original King Allah, Minister Allah Sha Allah, Dumar Wa'De Allah, Supreme Elevation Allah, Actress Ruby D, Actor William Cosby, Dr. Barashango, Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, Dr. Asa Hiliard, Bro. Gil Noble, Dr. Ben, Ivan van Certima, Dr. Pookrum, and my Muslim brother and mentor Sam Sa DeenThe Returned: Allah the Father, Third Born Prince Allah, Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Marcus Garvey, Amy Jacques, Nat turner, Dr. John H. Clarke, J.A. Rogers, Dr. Cheik Anti Diop, Donald Goins, Arturo Alfonso Schaumburg, Ossie Davis, Tupac Shakur, Father Divine, and Daddy GraceAshe'


Music is my surrogate father. It was music that led me in the direction of self actualization, it was music that taught me to hold my block down, it was music that taught me how to treat a lady, it was music that told me that I was my brothers keeper, it was music that told me that God was not a spook in the sky, it was music that told me which of my ancestors needed to be resurrected, it was music that told me to love, and protect, my mother.I LOVE MUSIC..
Cool SlideshowsLord Jamar, Nas, Dead Prez, Saigon-Abandoned Nation, Imortal Techmique, A-A likes, P.O.W, and all the other groups and artist that are trying to save HIP HOP the BABIES and NOT the music industry...
Cool SlideshowsWe Are Not A Gang: 2007, will be the year that we galvanize the righteous in order to help remove the erroneous label place on the 5%, Nation of Gods and Earths.WE ARE NOT A GANG.We have brothers and sisters who are being systematically persecuted and adjudicated a security threat through out the United States penal institutions. There are brothers and sisters who are placed in 23 hour lock up in the prisons gang units because their children and or parents are sending them letters and pictures with a peace sign on it or the Universal Flag belonging to the Nation of Gods and Earths. THIS MUST BE STOPED.My Blogs: Peace World and thank you for taking interest in a piece of my mind that I decided to post in my Blog. The purpose of my blog and others to come is to share my thoughts and experiences with you unrestrained. So those of you who are weak in faith, religion, or culture please enter with caution. There will be no candy or sugar coating here.Men sharpen men, like steel sharpen steel, and you cannot sharpen a sword by rubbing it against a tooth pick, ya dig. Family, Friends, let's take this Myspace vehicle and change, the what? World. To show and prove that Allah is not, what? A spook. And that Allah is the Master of, what? All the Worlds...
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Tinsel Town never wanted you to see this. I love movies. I am one of the Original hood television programers and it is the work of brothers and sisters like myself that keep our cultural treasures in film alive. Fifteen years ago you couldn't find titles like, The Spook Who Sat By the Door, Farewell Uncle Tom, Bloody Mau Mau Movement, Cabin In the Sky, Legend of Nigger Charlie, 5 on the Black Hand Side, The Education of Sonny carson, Cosmic Slop, Style Wars, Wild Style, Aaron loves Angela, Quilombo, Drum, Battle of Algiers, Sugar Cane Valley, The P.A. Move Documentary,Wu Tang vs. Shaolin, Born Invisible, Five Fingers of Death, and scores of others at Block Buster, Palmer or West Coast Video. It was brothers like me that kept the young Nation of Islam Farrakhan and Malcolm X, J.H. Clarke, videos alive and circulating in arms reach of the people. We keep the message alive and the movement rolling.Power to the Peaceful..
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The revolution will not be televised. We live in the age of digital programming and propaganda and we need to hold our selves accountable for what is fed and seen by our selves and our children on the "you tube".I will feed the machineYOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT (Mentally as well as Physically)


Jawanza Kunjufu, Chancellor Williams, Elijah Muhammad, Ava Muhammad, Mother Tynetta Muhammad, Ivan Van Certima, Dr. llaila Afrika, Del Jones, George Orwell, Khalil Gibran, Michael E. Dyson, Al Dickens and a host of others...
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In modern time heroes are hard to come by yet they do exist. I am not a shallow brother so my heroes/role models are just as diverse as my nation of Original men and women. However I would like to give a strong universal greeting to those who gave or continue to give all they have and all within their powers to bring Freedom, Justice, and Equality to all the human families of the planet Earth.Ghandi, Steven Biko, Harriet Tubman, Malik Al Hajj *(Shabazz), Fred Hampton, Doc Satchel, Min. Khalid Muhammad, Allah the Father, 3rd Born Prince Allah, Adu Allah, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Noble Drew Ali, Chirley Chisholm, Adam Clayton Powell, Sitting Bull, Carter G. Woodson, W.E.B. Dubois, Gordon Parks, Paul Robeson, Ernesto Che Guevara, Dr. William Mackay jr., Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan, Dr. Amos WilsonRudy Ray Moore, Spike Lee, Hype Williams, Fred Williams, Jim Brown, Dr. Joy Leary, Dr. Jewel Pookrum, Dr. Wade Nobles, Dr. Anthony T. Browder, Dr. Asa Hilliard, Esq. Clegg.Each One Teach One, Each One Reach One..
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My Blog

The Earth

Peace just some insight on the next Blog Traveling at the speed of God. Peace to the God. Peace to the Earth.God refine the mind first and the rest will follow.  So earth continue to (1)kno...
Posted by Be God Allah (Born) on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 02:33:00 PST

Lectures for Sale

The Prices are1 for $15 or 8 for $50(no one does it better)911 Road to TyrannyAfrica Light of the Worlda.j. HidlerThe Aids Conspiracy of Genocide For Africans and Non-White Ppl.911 aluminaziBlack Pant...
Posted by Be God Allah (Born) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:34:00 PST

My Space Pendulum

Peace World, Family and Friends.I hope you enter into my blog in a total absence of confusion and in good health mentally as well as physically.I would like to begin this blog with a little story (I l...
Posted by Be God Allah (Born) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:31:00 PST

5% Nation of God and Earth (Eastwick & Bickcity's Black Sheep)

The 5% Nation of God and Earth (Eastwick and Brick City's Black Sheep)Peace world I hope this post reaches you in the best of health and strength mentally as well as physically. Today's mathematics i...
Posted by Be God Allah (Born) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:26:00 PST

Wisdom God

I begin this scribe in the greatest and only universal greeting of Peace. I hope this letter find you in your family in good health and spirit. I come in the name of Be God Allah, the Architect of men...
Posted by Be God Allah (Born) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:22:00 PST

The Worst Nation

There was a group made up of many nations and each nation contributed to the group their best part. These nations together built up the greatest civilization known to man and their good works were kn...
Posted by Be God Allah (Born) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:21:00 PST

What We Will Achieve

What We Will Achieve1. National Conciousness: National Conciousness is the consciousness of our origin in this world, which is divine. As a nation of people we are the first in existence and all other...
Posted by Be God Allah (Born) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:08:00 PST

What We Teach

What we Teach1. That black people are the original people of the planet earth. 2. That black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization. 3. That the science of Supreme Mathematics is the key t...
Posted by Be God Allah (Born) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:05:00 PST