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A Bit about Aeva

About Me

I was born on December 21st in 1951. Yep, that makes me 55 years young. I live with my beloved husband Evon and my two West Highland White Terriers (Babaa and Lilly Pilli). I reside in Cotuit, having moved here 13 years ago. Cotuit is one of the 7 villages of Cape Cod (that's Massachusetts for those of you that aren't from this neck of the woods). I grew up in Boston, graduated Nursing school in 1971 becoming an RN. I was educated in classical Music, from an early age, and enjoyed singing in quite a few bands (everything from Rock and Roll, to Blues, to Jazz) around the N.E. area. I divide my time between researching, lecturing, writing about, and practicing Color and Sound Attunements (done with Vocal Tonations)....and (this is the other half lol), making jewelry, cutting out wood screens, hand painting on glass, fabrics, wood and broadloom rugs. I enjoy cooking wonderful food (mostly organic cause I am into being healthy), Sound Meditation, my wonderful friends and whatever life sorta brings me each day.

My Interests

I have 3 main passions in my life. One of them, is my Decorative and Fine Arts Business. My work has been featured in Galleries, National Magazines and Designer Showhouses. To see some more of my Artwork, you can check out the following NEW GALLERY, I enjoy creating Hand cut-out and muraled screens, I like doing Faux Work and Antique Restoration. I have even developed techniques, and permanent dyes, to hand paint broadloom rugs...which is alot of fun. I am learning to make gold and silver "wire wrapped" jewelry, and, to hand paint on glass. There is just something ethereal, about the way light comes thru colored glass. You can always check out some of the pictures of same on my site, if you are drawn. You can laugh at me stumbling thru learning new things. Another huge part of my life, is my Alternative Medicine Practice. I have been in the Healing Arts since 1971, and am a Registered Nurse. I graduated from a prestigious Boston Nursing School in 71, but found that fixing symptoms was not for me. I then became immersed, in what would become one of my lifes greatest journeys. The research and application, of highly effective, non-invasive alternative therapies. I became extremely interested in how "Color and Sound" can be used as Healing modalities. After 25 years of researching "Color and Sound" (from Ancient manuscripts to modern day writings by Darius Dinshaw), I now lecture, write, teach and practice 'Color and Sound" Attunements. I have been collecting rare minerals and gemstones for 20 years. And, since I adore eating great food (organic if possible, but, give me a 99 steak anytime yum), simply put... I love to cook. I consider cooking an Art as well. Lets swap great recipes please. I also collect ancient artifacts (Dogon, South American, Oceanic). But the most important experiences in my life are with my Family, and Friends and my 2 Westies (Babaa and Lilli Pilli).a class="popup_wrapper" style="outline:none;background-color:transparent!important;c ursor:default;left:-30px;top:0px;height:6341px;width:1006px; "class=popup_x href="" da$d

I'd like to meet:

Interesting and Unique People. Spiritual Be-ings who are on "The Quest". Anyone interested in how Color and Sound affects us energetically. Thoughts or feelings on "Inner Space", Ancient Meditation Techniques or White Magic. Creative Types...Artists, Woodworkers, Gem and Mineral Collectors, Jewelry makers, Doggie Officienados (I got westies here). If you make beautiful things...let's chat. Writiers, or anyone that has an interesting story to tell. I love "characters". I love to hear about exotic adventures.


I was classically trained, from a very young age (7), on the piano. My favorite classical music is Antiphonal Horn music...I adore Gabrielli. I love Chamber Music (especially the stuff on the original instruments...loooove it). I also love Gorecki, Beethoven, Bach, Greig, Handel and Debussey. I love to dance, so, James Brown, Prince, The Parliment Funkadelics, Chaka Khan, Rufus....any good dance music. Ok, I am dating update me already. On the Jazz's Ella, Duke, Louis, Betty Carter, Dexter Gordon, Winton Marsalis. I love Wynona Judd and have recently discovered HickHop (Cowboy Troy is my favorite so far). I really enjoy every kind of music, from Balinese Gong, to Aramaic chanting. Part of my Color and Sound journey, was creating CDs for people to use when meditating...Yoko Ono has nothing on me lol. I adore ethnic and ancient the Mysterious Voices of Bulgaria (classic Bulgarian peasant music...beautiful). I would love to share any interesting music from around the world. Anyone have any information on "Sacred Harp Music"? It is a form of Sound Meditation, used to produce an "Ecstatic State" of consciousness.


I am into Martial Arts films (I gave myself a laughing headache watching "Kill Bill" 1 and 2, Uma kicks butt lol). Jackie Chan rocks and so does Cynthia Rothrock. Laughter is always good, "Napleon Dynamite", "Romey and Michelle's Class Reunion" and the "Pet Detective" movies made me laugh and laugh. Independent films, Art Films and Science Fiction couldn't live with out em. But, my favorite beyond favorite.....Classic HORROR MOVIES. Vampires, Werewolves (Klaus Kinski scared me to death in Nosferatu wow). The Hellraiser movies are masterpieces of the macabre in my book.


Ok...I am hooked on ALL MY CHILDREN (thats a soap opera for those of you who don't view them). I make sure that I have sitting work to do when it's on. Make jewelry, and watch Erica wreck Havoc in Pine Valley lol. I also watch Sci fi and Discovery and PBS channels. Sometimes the news channels if there is a story that interests me.


I adore reading. Clive Cussler, Anne Rice, Steven King, Clive Barker,Steven Hawking, JJ Hurtoks "Keys of Enoch" continues to inspire me each and every day. To me, reading is one of the greatest pleasures on earth. The computer affords me many opportunities to read about myriad subjects..I just love my Dell. I read about Ancient Magic (Golden Dawn), Philosophy (Essene, Druid Gnostics), Old Manuscripts, Period Jewelry and Stained and hand painted glass.


Maya Angelou, Christopher Hawking, Jerry Kantor and Patricia Fater MD (two of the most compassionate and adept healers I have been priviledged to meet) and Avanash (who taught me to be "Still").

My Blog

Some "Light Reading" for your Summer reading List...Enjoy!

I wanted to pass along some "Light" summer reading to you,...on "Color and Sound as Healing Modalities". 1) "Gem Elixers and Vibrational Healing" (volumes 1 and 2) by Gurudas. Cassandra Press, Bould...
Posted by Aeva on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:44:00 PST

Shift Gotcha Down Bunky? Hologram trying to tell you something?

During this time of great love and joy on this out "Light Bodies" start to meld into perfect harmony with our Hue-Man Holograms (thats your Bod lol)...lots and lots of accelerated detoxifi...
Posted by Aeva on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:43:00 PST

Meditation with Sound (Vocal Tonation) by Aeva

People often ask me..."Aeva, what IS Meditation"?  I can only answer from my own perspective and experiences. To me, Prayer is when you talk to God. And, Meditation is when God speaks back. ...
Posted by Aeva on Thu, 04 May 2006 12:52:00 PST

About Sound and Vocal Tonation Attunements with Aeva

      Did you know that the ear reverberates much like a TUNING FORK? And, that the delicate fibers inside the ear are tuned to certain tones? Or, that EACH OF THESE TONES COR...
Posted by Aeva on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 09:05:00 PST

About Color and Sound

Something Information about Color....from Aeva         &n bsp;         &n bsp;     &nbs...
Posted by Aeva on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 07:32:00 PST