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About Me

I'm someone trying to find some balance in my life... In every way... The eternal struggle really :)... I'm a big dreamer who believes anything is possible... The challenge now is to prove it.. If only to myself.
The clips below show the concept... A TV show made for the net about people around the world sharing their stories in chasing dreams... And anything and everything along the way in researching that.
The first clip features The Naked Cowboy in NYC.. Carolina Cerisola from Argentina.. Boxing Superstar Roy Jones Jr.. Backstage footage with band Thirsty Merc and hanging with Bingo Rimer, Sweden's version of a young Hugh Hefner..
This second clip takes us to New York to hang out with Little Steven Van Zandt... AFL legend Warrick Capper.. We go behind the scenes on a Hollywood Porn film and catch up with a bunch of the top Porn Stars in the world.. We hang with Aussie business legend Phil Harte and we finish up with Rocky Actor Burt Young..
And in clip 3 we hang out with gorgeous Actress Rosario Dawson... We also sit with her mum Isabel and hear some awesome stories that would inspire anyone I'm sure.. We go to Ireland and sit down with Rugby Superstar Brian O'Driscoll.. We run into Actor James Woods at a cafe in LA and finally a sit down chat with Boxer Jake Lamotta.. The man the movie "Raging Bull" is based on..
I'm currently on a trip creating the show so if you know of any cool people or anyone with an amazing story to tell just hit me up with an email and I'll try and feature them...
[email protected]

My Interests

Hey guys :)
I've just got back from another trip to the States filming and for a meeting in New York.. Ahhh some funny stories... Like locking myself out of Matty's apartment on my first night there and spending from 11pm till 9am walking around Manhattan on a crazy adventure... Bummer was my camera was inside the apartment... Funny times.The reason for New York was a business meeting and hopefully great things will come from it... It was a quick few days and I didn't do much filming this time round.. Though it was fun catching up with The Naked Cowboy... This all came through a funny adventure hanging with my friend Ian.. I'm sure you'll get a laugh :)

After New York I hit LA and as usual there's always something to film and see... Or fun people to hang with.... It was another chance for me to film with The Kin too... Always love doing that... These guys are going to be HUGE... Great songs, great reactions... I know you'll love the song in this clip.

It's funny how I never know what's going to happen when filming... Always meeting new people and adventures just seem to pop up round every corner... This night was proving that... I went outside to check a message on my phone and this happened :)

So after checking the message on my phone.... I gave Alex a call and he told me to meet him at one of LA hottest clubs in Lez Duexx (Le-Du)... I said goodbye to the Kin boys.. Jumped in a cab and made my way over to the club... Once inside I had no idea what was happening... But this is how it panned out :)

Always fun catching up with Adam Rifkin when I'm in LA... He's seriously one of the most talented people in town... A true film maker who's written some huge studio flicks and made some cult classics of his own... On this night we hit Santa Monica for a double screening of two of his films... Fun to film it and also fun catching up with actor Bill Paxton.

In Feb and March this year I set off for a huge trip filming for TheWebShow... You can see over 50 days worth of clips on the Youtube page from the links on the page.. Part of the journey was spent in London and it was cool to meet Mestiza from Myspace... We hung out and went on a bit of an adventure in and around London... Seeing all the sights... Hope you enjoy the footage :)

I'd like to meet:

In this lifetime anyone and everyone..... And in another realm I'd like to sit down with John Lennon and have a chat... That'd be cool ... And tape it for TheWebShow and bring it back and post it on Myspace and Youtube... Ahhhhhh I can only imagine !!


Here's an example of some of the interviews I've organised for the radio show... This clip capturing some stories from Dee Snyder from the band Twisted Sister...Red Eye Radio demo

Add to My Profile | More Videos ......And it was cool having guitar legend Joe Satriani on the show sharing the stories about how he chased his dream.... Joe's just a guitar God basically, teaching and helping so many of the great guitarists in todays music scene....Joe Satriani

Add to My Profile | More Videos....


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My Blog

One Magic Day And Night In LA - Feb 2008

Ahhh this was such a funny day and night in LA...I’d organised to shoot an interview with a lady named Sidjea... We met through Myspace.. I somehow stumbled onto her page and saw the picture pef...
Posted by Toggsy on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:55:00 PST

One Magic Day In LA - September 2002

These clips capture the 14th of September 2002.... Literally.... It's what happened on our first day in LA after the madness of filming in New York for the first anniversary of Sept 11th... So it's on...
Posted by Toggsy on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 07:08:00 PST

World Muay Thai Champion Nathan Carnage Corbett

Each few weeks I'll be changing the clips on Myspace but for now it's the story of Nathan "Carnage" Corbett... Multiple World Muay Thai Champion... We've recently shared some awesome adventures and ba...
Posted by Toggsy on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 03:56:00 PST

Little Steven Van Zandt in NY

A blog on Myspace is probably the last place you'd expect to find a documentary.... Or a film like interview with someone like Little Steven Van Zandt.... And I didn't know what to expect when I arriv...
Posted by Toggsy on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 06:19:00 PST

She's my Cherry Pie  Bobbie Brown in LA

I guess in the same way as sitting with Wendy James... It's just a cool thing to meet up with someone who played a fun part in growing up... The video for "She's my Cherry Pie" was just massive... Suc...
Posted by Toggsy on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:12:00 PST

Meeting Bingo Rimér in Stockholm

To me it's interviews like this that make TheWebShow so unique... Some slight opportunity leads to an amazing story in many ways... I've been having a lot of meetings lately about the best way to...
Posted by Toggsy on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:53:00 PST

Writer/Director Adam Rifkin in LA

It was cool catching up with Adam during this trip... He'd been on the radio show a few times sharing some cool stories about his films and adventures in and around Hollywood.... I'm sure if you've ev...
Posted by Toggsy on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:46:00 PST

Wendy James in Washington Square Park NY

Since having Wendy on my old radio show I'd been looking forward to filming something for TheWebShow... I was a big fan of Transvision Vamp and I'll always remember seeing her in concert at Seagulls o...
Posted by Toggsy on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:31:00 PST

Filming in Ireland with Brian O'Driscoll

I'd met Brian after the Rugby World Cup in 2003... He'd come up to the Coast for a few days break and we had some fun times hanging out... I told him about my WebShow and how I'd love to film in Dubli...
Posted by Toggsy on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 05:38:00 PST

An Adventure In London

I remember it was about 10pm.... And I'm standing at the luggage carousel at Heathrow airport talking to this dark skinned lady about my plans... She couldn't believe I was so vague on the details... ...
Posted by Toggsy on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 05:10:00 PST